Fake Jab Pass Case

Fake Jab Pass Case

Fake Jab Pass Case

Re: the Legality of a Medical Doctor Certifying a Person as “Vaccinated” when they are not, in order to spare them the Dangers of Injury or Death from a Mandated Untested Toxic Injection.


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Facts of the Case

  • Dates: June 2023
  • Location: Germany
  • Court: Regional Court of Bochum
  • Case #:
  • Plaintiff: State prosecutor Tophoff
  • Defendant’s Lawyer: Wilfried Schmitz
  • Defendant: Dr. Heinrich Habig, Fatima Habig
  • Trial Type: Criminal Complaint
  • Judge: Petra Breywisch-Lepping
  • Status: Ongoing – Under Appeal
  • Verdict: Guilty (partial verdict)

*updated July 10, 2023



Dr. Heinrich Habig is a 67 year-old medical doctor with his own practice who, in dealing with patients wishing to avoid taking the Covid-19 injections for valid safety concerns, yet needing to participate in society for work or family needs, issued vaccination certificates without actually injecting his patients. (1)

Dr. Habig was reported to the police by another doctor, observed by the police for a period following which his practice was raided on 21st January 2022 and records removed. (1)

Another sad climax in the case occurred on 14 May 2022 when police officers picked up Heinrich Habig from the flat of an acquaintance and took him to the Bochum correctional institution (JVA). The 67-year-old doctor has now been in pre-trial detention there under strict security measures for over a year. Charges were only brought on 12 November 2022. The trial began in January 2023. (1)

Difficult prison conditions

Dr. Habig’s wife, Fatima Habig [who is a co-defendant, having been accused of aiding and abetting her husband] was only allowed to visit her husband twice a month under supervision for about one hour. In addition to the presence of a prison officer, the prosecutor Tophoff requested the presence of a woman who listens in on the Habig couple’s conversations – pure harassment, according to lawyer Wilfried Schmitz. During one of these visits, the couple talked about past holidays, which led the prosecution to assume that there was an “increased risk of absconding”. (3)

Due to the allegedly increased risk of escape, the 67-year-old accused was even transported to court in hand and foot cuffs, which were removed from him only shortly before he entered the courtroom. After the trial days, the doctor often had to wait for hours in the cold court cellar, also with hand and foot cuffs on, until he was brought back to the prison. Only when lawyer Schmitz for Heinrich Habig and lawyer Stefan Schlüter for Fatima Habig were called in as elective defence lawyers in February did they ensure that the shackles were removed. (3)

The two grandchildren (eight and ten years old) have only been allowed to visit their grandfather once in prison. Before his pre-trial detention, they were with their grandparents every day. Another human low point occurred on Heinrich Habig’s birthday, which was also the day of the trial: Fatima Habig took two steps towards her husband at the end of the trial day to congratulate him, which promptly led to frantic shouts from the judge for the prison officers, who then prevented the couple from hugging briefly. (3)

A partial verdict was delivered by the judge in the week of June 26th 2023. (2)

An appeal against the verdict is possible.



First doctor in Germany to be given a severe jail sentence for issuing false vaccination certificates.


Plaintiff’s Argument

As trial observers report, the prosecutor actually stated in her plea that there were no cases of severe side effects of vaccination. Such claims were “contrarian ideology”. (2)


Defendant’s Argument

In his defence, Dr. Habig invoked his oath to the medical association. According to their professional code of conduct, he was forbidden to follow instructions which, in his eyes, were against his ethos and humanity. This was exactly the situation when people were forced to be “vaccinated”. (2)


Relevant Prior Judgements/ Cases

…More information is needed…



Medical doctor, Heinrich Habig was sentenced to two years and ten months in prison for issuing vaccination certificates in 207 cases without vaccinating his patients. (2)

The trial for more than 400 other possible “fake vaccinations” will be continued in a month. If the doctor is also convicted in these cases, he could face up to five years in prison. Probably purely by chance, the law on “issuing false health certificates” was tightened in November 2021. (2)



Transition News wrote

Last week, German justice reached its nadir … This trial is not about justice, but only about making a political example to force people to obey, according to the motto: “Punish one, educate a hundred.”

Process observer and lawyer Chris Moser commented

that “The reasoning of the judgement leaves a lot to be desired … Only allegations were made, not a single subsumption. According to the court, there are no grounds for justification or excuse. Instead, the court accuses Heinrich Habig of having a ‘hostile attitude towards the law’. (4)(5)



Speech in support of Dr. Habig outside Bochum detention Centre -Feb 18, 2023

source: YouTube

Miriam Hope on Dr Heinrich Habig Trial Verdict -Jun 29 2023

source: Odysee / longXXvids

12 yr old Pfizer Vaccine Trial Victim, Maddie -July 2021

source: UK Column News

Prof Perronne WHO Vaccine Expert -Jan 12 2022

source: Rumble Doctors for Covid Ethics

CDC Says Vax is Not Effective -Aug 19 2021

source: Odysee / shortXXvids



  1. paulbrandenburg.com/bericht/patienten-vor-falscher-impfung-bewahrt-arzt-seit-ueber-einem-jahr-in-u-haft/
  2. English Translation of Corona Transition Article -July 2 2023
  3. paulbrandenburg.com/bericht/patienten-vor-falscher-impfung-bewahrt-arzt-seit-ueber-einem-jahr-in-u-haft/
  4. reitschuster.de/post/skandal-urteil-fast-drei-jahre-jahre-haft-fuer-nicht-impfarzt/
  5. ChrisMoser/398 (telegram)



Censorship, Code of Conduct, Coercion, Covid Health Pass, Fake Pass, False, First Do No Harm, Free Speech, Germany, Green Pass, Habig, Hippocratic Oath, Imprisonment, Justice, Microbiology, Passes, Passport, Persecution, Rights, Truth, Vaccination Certificates 

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Legal Opinion Green Mango

Legal Opinion Green Mango

Legal Opinion

Re: Experiences in a German Court


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Report by lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich from the court hearing Green Mango v. Prof. Drosten

Translation of German article: https://2020news.de/alle-masken-fallen/

Dated Nov 9 2021

In today’s hearing before the Berlin Regional Court in the case of Green Mango (Karaoke-Bar) v. Drosten, it was to be expected that either the rule of law would show signs of life, in whole or in part, or that it would become apparent that it had been completely brought into line with the government (or with those who use this government to realise their goals). As we expected, the latter showed itself:

A group of about 30 to 40 people interested in the proceedings, i.e.: the public, wanted to attend the trial. However, only seven people were admitted as spectators. The courtroom was guarded by four security officers; apparently the court feared war-like conditions – without any reason, as evidenced by the fact that completely “normal” people wanted to watch.

After entering the courtroom, while I was still unpacking my files and robe, the presiding judge pointed out to me that I had to wear a mask (the two Drosten lawyers were each wearing FFP 2 masks). I explained to him that I had a mask exemption certificate. The presiding judge then told me that he did not recognise such a thing, that he had the right of domicile here and that I had to wear a mask. I then explained to him the legal situation, namely that this was a case of coercion to which I would not submit. I would not damage my own health on his instructions and, if he persisted, I could not represent my client as a lawyer. Since I thus had to leave the courtroom, the presiding judge – as spectators later told me – asked the opposing lawyer to apply for a default judgment against my client, which he of course gladly did, so that the presiding judge could pronounce the corresponding default judgment. This is what happens when the party, in this case represented by his lawyer, does not appear in court. We will now appeal against this, so that everything will start all over again.

Surprisingly, the presiding judge, as I was told afterwards by spectators who remained in the courtroom, took it on record that he could not check my certificate (which he had not even had shown to him). So the question is what his real problem is: Does he believe that he can deny my client the right to be heard by eliminating her lawyer, so that Drosten, with his, the presiding judge’s, help, could automatically achieve a victory (albeit only a stage victory)? Or does he really believe that he is authorised (moreover, obviously as a medical layman) to check my certificate in any way? Obviously, as this entry in the minutes shows, he was now very unsure whether what he had done before the beginning of the oral proceedings could be reconciled with the requirements of the rule of law.

If necessary, we will also file criminal charges for coercion and all other possible offences, including the suspicion of perverting the course of justice. In any case, we will have to file a motion for bias. Because even an objective observer of the events will at least have the strong suspicion that my client can no longer expect a fair trial before this court in this legal dispute against Drosten: My client is suing Drosten for damages and injunctive relief because Drosten has destroyed my client’s existence with many false claims about his PCR test, which he – Drosten – copied from Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis and misused, and the demand for lockdowns (as well as masks and social distancing, etc.) based on his results (with a high probability of almost 100% false positive “cases”).

The presiding judge bows to this dictate of the defendant without further ado and even in the oral proceedings – with the windows wide open – walks around with an FFP-2 mask, and (this combination might be decisive for the overall assessment) denies my client – moreover with contradictory justification – the right to be heard by preventing her lawyer from participating in this lawyer’s process (the client is not allowed to represent herself, but this is only possible through a lawyer), and suggests to Drosten’s lawyers, after I as the plaintiff’s lawyer had to leave the courtroom, to file a motion for a default judgment, which the latter then does (even though he may have already prepared this in an earlier pleading), so that the presiding judge, on the motion of Drosten’s lawyers proposed by himself, issues the default judgment to the detriment of the now defenceless – because deliberately made defenceless by the presiding judge – plaintiff.



Germany, Wodarg, Drosten, PCR, Green Mango, Karaoke Bar, Attorney, opinion, judges, mask, procedure, Fuellmich, Berlin, Kary Mullis

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Weimar Birthday Case

Weimar Birthday Case

Weimar Birthday Case

Re: Legality of Group Gatherings


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Facts of the Case

  • Dates: January 24 2021
  • Location: Weimar, Germany
  • Court: Weimar
  • Case #:
  • Plaintiff:
  • Defendant: State
  • Trial Type: Expedited
  • Judge:
  • Status: end
  • Verdict: for the Plaintiff



This is a case of a man who “celebrated a birthday with his seven friends” during a state imposed lockdown to prevent the spread of the disease known as Covid 19.

On the evening of 24.04.2020, the party was held in the backyard of the house in Weimar, Germany. “The eight participants in total were distributed among seven different households.

However, a stay in public space is only authorized alone, in the circle of members of his own household and, moreover, at most with another non-domestic person ”according to local regulations.” (https://ahrp.org/german-court-in-weimar-declares-lockdown-unconstitutional/)


This case is significant as the judgement of the court strikes down the decrees for lockdowns and other corona prevention measures.


Plaintiff’s Argument

…More information is needed…


Defendant’s Argument

…More information is needed…



The accused was acquitted and relieved of the need to pay a fine of 200 euros ($ 243). No sufficient reason for confinement

  • The Weimar judge condemned a restriction limiting private gatherings to members of the same household and to a person outside of the same household, a rule which the accused had not respected. The judge said that the regional government itself had violated the “inviolably guaranteed human dignity” guaranteed by Article 1 of the German Basic Law by imposing such restrictions.
  • According to the court, the government did not have sufficient grounds to impose these restrictions since there was no “epidemic situation of national importance” at the time and the health system was not at risk of failure. collapse, the Robert Koch Institute having reported that the multiplication coefficient of Covid-19 had then fallen below 1.

At no time is there any real danger that the health service will be overwhelmed by a “wave” of patients with COVID-19. According to the register established on March 17, 2020, an average of at least 40% of intensive care beds in Germany were permanently available. In Thuringia, 378 beds were registered occupied on April 3, 36 of which were in covid-19 patients. During this time, there were 417 vacant beds. On April 16, two days before the publication of the regulation, 501 beds were recorded occupied, 56 covid-19, and 528 beds were vacant … Thuringia recorded its highest number of covid-19 patients notified in the spring at 63 (April 28). Thus, at no time has the number of patients with COVID-19 reached a level that could have justified fears of an overflow of the health system.

This estimate of the real dangers of COVID-19 in spring 2020 is confirmed by an assessment of data from 421 clinics belonging to the Qualitätsmedizin Initiative, which found that the number of cases of acute respiratory infections (severe ARI) hospitalized in Germany in first half of 2020 was 187,174 – lower than the figure for the first half of 2019 (221,841 cases), even though that figure included cases of ARI caused by covid. The same analysis showed that the number of cases in intensive care was lower in the first half of 2020 than in 2019 …

  • The judge also said that the regional government did not have the right to introduce such far-reaching measures since it was for the legislator to do so (parliament and not district courts).
  • The Weimar court said the spring containment of Thuringia was a “catastrophically flawed policy decision, with dramatic consequences for almost every area of people’s lives . ”

The confinement imposed in Thuringia represents “the most complete and deepest restrictions on fundamental rights in the history of the Federal Republic, ” the court said, calling these measures a ” disproportionate ” attack against the ” foundations of our society. ”



  • The Thuringian Regional Public Prosecutor’s Office lodged a complaint against the court decision, requesting that it be reconsidered and possibly overturned, with the case being handed over to another judge. The judgment must be “revised to develop the law and ensure a unified jurisdiction” regarding the containment and its violation, a spokesperson for the prosecutor’s office, Hannes Gruenseisen, told local media.
  • The decision is not legally binding outside of Weimar, although each German court can render a judgment on the constitutionality of orders issued by any authority other than the Bundestag, federal parliament or regional parliament. Unless a law has been passed, each court can contradict the regulations if they appear unjustified
  • This week, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet extended the restriction until mid-February. (https://www.rt.com/news/513443-german-court-covid-lockdown-unconstitutional/)


Further Research

  • Read the original court ruling here:
  • Read the English translation original court ruling here:
  • https://www.panimmunity.org/legal/



https://ahrp.org/german-court-in-weimar-declares-lockdown-unconstitutional/ https://www.rt.com/news/513443-german-court-covid-lockdown-unconstitutional/ https://justice4poland.com/2021/03/04/german-court-in-weimar-declares-lockdown-unconstitutional/comment-page-1/



cases in germany, rki

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