Article: Vaccine AR Data
Re: the under-reporting & risks of covid vaccine injury in Germany
English Translation from CoronaCases of original article: (as reported on Feb 19, 2022)
The Revealing Accounting of Vaccine Damage
by Ulrich Adam
Since 1 April 2021, numerous cases of adverse reactions in connection with Covid-19 vaccinations have been documented in Germany and billed to health insurers – the picture painted there testifies to a comparatively poor safety profile. Who doesn’t know the obligatory slogan after every TV or radio advertisement for non-prescription drugs? At the end it always says in unison: “For risks and side effects, read the package leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.”
The package leaflet is rarely seen with Covid 19 vaccines, and enquiries with doctors and pharmacists about possible side effects are often not very meaningful or informative. In view of the fact that the substances have only been on the market for just under 14 months,
longer empirical values are of course not available.
At the same time, there are a large number of articles and reports on side effects on the internet, most of which are anecdotal and suggestive and do not necessarily help to make a sober scientific assessment.
So where can an interested layperson start? One of the official pieces of information from the Federal Ministry of Health already makes one wonder: the risk of myocarditis is given here as 1:5000, an extremely poor value for a vaccine in terms of safety profile – both in
comparison to other classic inactivated vaccines and under medical ethical and regulatory aspects. After all, vaccines are usually administered to healthy persons and must therefore rightly meet the highest safety requirements. The latest report of the Paul Ehrlich Institute on reported suspected side effects is complex, but points in a similar direction: severe side effects are estimated in a similar order of magnitude (2/10,000).
Worrying data
It is good that there is the INEK database, which contains the services documented and billed in German hospitals. Unfortunately, there are no regular reliable summaries regarding the frequency and severity of Covid-19 vaccination reactions registered there. But as long as
you know that since 1 April 2021 the code U12.9 can be used for such adverse event diagnoses, you can do a little research yourself in the publicly accessible database.
The picture that emerges there for the period from 1 April to 31 December 2021 confirms the comparatively poor safety profile, and the full extent of toxicity does not yet seem to be covered.
Even taking into account the high number of Covid-19 vaccine doses administered in total during this period (around 110 million), the frequency and severity of side effects is considerable. 14,367 cases were treated in German hospitals, 1,652 of which involved a stay
in intensive care, and 170 people died.
In addition to the deaths, the intensive care stays are worrying, since it was precisely the avoidance of a potential temporary overload situation in intensive care units in Germany that was cited as the primary justification for the measures – and vaccinations – taken.
The breadth and (in some cases) severity of the adverse events recorded is also worrying.
Many of the primary diagnoses recorded in association with U12.9 as a secondary diagnosis (369 in total) are consistent with those in the emerging scientific literature. For example, the available data show significant adverse events in seven prominent areas (myocarditis,
pericarditis, non-pyogenic thrombosis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, tachycardia, hypoaesthesia/paraesthesia of the skin, pulmonary embolism) – in addition to the numerous others (many of which, however, are also mild and temporary, such as headache).
Urgent data research needed
A comparison with the data for the previous year’s period also indicates a possible under-recording/under-use of the U12.9 code. For myocarditis (codes I40.8, I40.9, I51.4), an 80% increase in total cases compared to the previous year is reported. 4,478 cases in the last 9
months of 2021 were compared to 2,481 cases in the same period in 2020. Of the 4,478 total cases, 618, or about 30 per cent of the increase, were associated with a Covid 19 vaccine adverse event.
Although it cannot be excluded that other factors may have played a role in the massive increase in myocarditis cases in 2021, a possible under-reporting seems plausible. Further data research is urgently needed to clarify the situation in order to prevent possible harm to people.
Slogans and slogans can no longer help to overcome the existing uncertainties. Risks and side effects are not a banality, certainly not in the context of a mass vaccination campaign. A broader discussion and more extensive educational work on risks and side effects appear to be urgently needed.
Ulrich Adam studied history and political science in Tübingen and Cambridge (UK).
He has lived in Belgium for many years and worked, among other things, on EU regulatory issues of prescription drugs and vaccines.
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accounting, article, Data, deaths, evaluation, germany, INEK, Insurance, myocarditis, risks, Safety, side effects, Ulrich Adam, underreporting, Vaccination, Vaccine
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