
Tom Lausen Bhakdi Trial Observations

Re: Observations of the Procedures & Happenings during the Trial of Prof Bhakdi`s Alleged Seditious Speech


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Tom Lausen’s running commentary of Prof Bhakdi trial –Plön May 23 2023

(Translated by CoronaCases from Tom Lausen’s Telegram posts issued throughoutthe trial)

Leading post in thread:

Court Observations

10:01 First procedural break in the trial of Prof. Bhakdi. The defence lawyers filed an application for inadmissibility of the reading of the indictment.

Meaning: the indictment was filed although the senior prosecutor and the judge had not obtained or viewedthe evidence of the videos at the time of indictment by the SeniorPublic Prosecutor Füssinger. Only video snippets. So they didn’t finish their investigation and filed charges anyway and the judge apparently allowed it to go unchecked (politicalmotivation?). But that is not admissible, it has to be investigated to the end, because otherwise the criminal offence of persecution of innocent people can very quickly be brought against the prosecutor and the judge, which has already been mentioned by defence lawyer Lausen.

The court interrupted for 45 minutes to deliberate.

Therefore, the indictment could not be read out so far.

Continuation: 10:35 a.m.

The court judge, Justice Grundmann, rejects the application. Everything is supposed to be correct. Meaningfully.

Now the reading of the indictment is released.

The Senior Public Prosecutor Füssinger reads it out.

Continuation: 10:56

I hope I have understood this correctly:

With regard to both charges, Judge Grundmann does not see any punishability at this stage of the proceedings.

Defence lawyer Sven Lausen asks, what he has heard seems to be confirmed.

As I said, I hope I have understood correctly. The judge will give indications if this changes in the course of the proceedings.

11:34 Renewed interruption

The police officer in charge at the political rally with Prof. Bhakdi is to be heard.

Defence lawyer Lausen asks about the necessary permission for police officers to give evidence, … unfortunately the police officer does not have it, the hearing is interrupted.

The defence further agrees that accuracy in the conduct of the proceedings is still necessary.

The court sees it the same way and follows the defence’s request for correct conduct of proceedings.

11:54 The police officer does not need permission to testify, the court has reassured itself. The police officer in charge of the meeting on 24.09.21 at the market place in Kiel confirmed that the meeting with speaker Prof. Bhakdi was absolutely peaceful.

Further interruption follows, the 90-minute interview of Kai Stuht and Prof. Bhakdi will now be watched.

12:15 After the judge goes out with his assessment on the non-criminality of Bhakdi’s statements, most of the media from the mainstream press quietly leave the hall.

The fact checker Rohwedder, I think from the daily fact checkers is still there, otherwise only the alternative media is still there.

I will report it if the mainstream media come back at all.

12:20 DPA (the German Press Agency) is back.

13:35: The video interview between Kai Stuht and Prof Bhakdi has now been watched in full. The judge interrupts for 15 min.

14:05 Continuation

Judge Grundmann still assumes that there is no criminal liability, Chief Public Prosecutor Füssinger also says something in a quiet contribution,

Defence lawyer Lausen massively rebukes the absolutely incomplete clarification and the indictment.

Now Chief Public Prosecutor Füssinger tries another trick, she addresses Prof. Bhakdi, although the defence has clearly stated that he will not speak. Defence lawyer Lausen strongly reprimanded the behaviour, the senior public prosecutor let up and now apparently wanted to introduce a short investigation into the distribution of the video with Kai Stuht.

14:05 Senior Public Prosecutor Füssinger makes a request for evidence, she wants to summon an investigating commissioner who can say how often the video was watched and distributed.

14:10 The defence Tobias Weissenborn and also Martin Schwab reject the motion,

Judge Grundmann does not summon the commissioner but reads out parts of the file for the sake of form, which introduce the number of views of the video into the proceedings. So how many times had the video been viewed and where? Facebook, Peertube, etc.

Chief Public Prosecutor Füssinger is satisfied and looks at the clock.

14:18 As the motions for partiality are still pending, the proceedings cannot be concluded as they are. The judge asks the defence to discuss whether they should be withdrawn or whether they should be dealt with within a 2-hour recess.

14:30Martin Schwab withdraws the motions for partiality on behalf of the defence.

Further interruption, continuation 3:30 p.m.

Reason for the interruption: Senior Public Prosecutor Füssinger needs 60 minutes to preparethe plea

….Start for the pleas, which I think will not reveal any more surprises.

Snr. Public Prosecutor Füssinger Füssinger starts:

She is concerned about dangerous language, inner peace and she is concerned about the people who are affected by dangerous language.

It was reportedly surprising to her that the court came out with its legal opinion early on.

Nevertheless, she hopes that it will still be heard.

Her point is that Kai Stuht and Prof. Bhakdi, had deliberately planned this thing….

She is trying to interpret every sentence against Prof Bhakdi now.

Basically, she is repeating her charge sheet so far.

She still thinks it was sedition. With small additional interpretations, she is simply inventing words.

She probably needs more time.

Füssinger also continues to assume that there was a breach of the public peace.

Now she is talking about the federal emergency brake and FFP 2 masks in the bus.

I’m sorry, I can no longer document the details of the lecture.

She stands by her accusations.

She demands the following sentence:

Crime 1
150 daily sentences
Day 2
70 daily sentences
But together only 180 daily sentences of 90 Euro each

16:15 The defence would like to discuss the case first.

16:41 The defence is about to plead.

First Martin Schwab
Then Tobias Weissenborn
Last Sven Lausen

16:54 Martin Schwab
G R A N D I O S !!!!!!
17:01 Tobias Weissenborn

CLARIFYING FRESH!!! With a fat side blow to the misconduct of the senior prosecutorIn not watching the videos that are in question.

17:20 Sven Lausen
G R A N D I O S !!!!!!

17:20 Adjournment for adjudication until 17:45



Adler, Anti-Semitic, Bhakdi, Commentary, Daniele Ganser, Doctors4CovidEthics, free speech, Ganser, Genocide, germany, Holocaust, Israel, Kiel, Kiel Public Prosecutor, Lausen, Martin Schwab, Microbiology, Plön, professor, Schleswig-Holstein, Schwab, Sucharit, Tom Lausen, Vera Sharav, Wertinitiative

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