Arrest: Dr. Bruchet
Re: the persecution of a Doctor who dared to exercise his Right to Free Speech & Resistance to challenge the government position on the safety & effectiveness of Covid Vaccines
In December 2021, Canadian Doctor Bruchet was sentenced to a Psych ward for 25 days
On December 8, Dr. Bruchet had an argument with a tenant over loud music in his apartment building (a relatively common occurrence). It is unclear whether the tenant reported him as a candidate for the mental health act or someone else. Suddenly, three RCMP squad cars and six RCMP officers descended on Dr. Bruchet and hauled him off in handcuffs for a “psych evaluation.”
The question remains: was Dr. Bruchet unlawfully detained because he exposed the connection of stillbirths to the Covid vaccines? Or because he argued with his tenant over loud music? Or was Dr. Bruchet’s age a convenient excuse? “Dr. Mel,” as he is affectionately known, practiced medicine for many years in British Columbia.
Doctor Locked in Psych Ward Who Exposed Stillbirth Explosion in ‘Vaccinated’ Moms

Arrest, British Columbia, Bruchet, Canada, constitution, Doctor, evidence, Fake, False, free speech, frontal lobe dementia, Hope Center, Hospital, Judicial Notice, Lions Gate, mania, Melvin, Misinformation, Nagase, News, opinion, Pregnant, Psych ward, Psychiatric, RCMP, Right to Resist, side effects, Stillbirths, unlawful, Vaccine, Vancouver, Women