Navy Vaccine Exemption Case

Navy Vaccine Exemption Case

Navy Vaccine Exemption Case

Re: the Legality of Mandating Vaccines onto the Military without their Consent & against their Religious Objections


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Facts of the Case

aka: U.S. Navy SEALs 1-26 v. Biden

  • Dates: Jan 3, 2022
  • Location: Texas, USA
  • Court: US District Court for the Northern District of Texas
  • Case #: Civil Action # 4:21-cv-01236-O
  • Plaintiff: US Navy Seals, et al
  • Plaintiffs Lawyers: First Liberty Institute
  • Defendant: Biden Administration, DOD
  • Trial Type:
  • Judge: Reed O’Connor
  • Status: Decided
  • Verdict: For the Plaintiff


In response to the Biden Administration’s push to mandate that all military personnel get the covid vaccine, 35 navy seals filed a law suit against the Vaccine Mandate citing religious exemption.

This case arises from the United States Navy’s mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy. Plaintiffs are thirty-five Navy Special Warfare servicemembers, including SEALs, Special Warfare Combatant Craft Crewmen, Navy Divers, and an Explosive Ordinance Disposal Technician. Compl. 1, 8–9, ECF No. 1. Together, they sue President Biden, Secretary of Defense Austin, Secretary of the Navy Del Toro, and the United States Department of Defense. [2]

In August 2021, the Department of Defense (“DoD”) issued a vaccine mandate directing all DoD service members to be vaccinated against COVID-19.Pls.’ App. 146–47, ECF No. 17. The Department of the Navy also implemented its own mandate requiring all active-duty Navy service members to be fully vaccinated before November 28 or face the “full range” of disciplinary action. Pls.’ App. 149–50, ECF No. 17.For service members assigned to Special Operations duty, the Navy’s vaccination policy reads: [2]

[Special Operations] personnel refusing to receive recommended vaccines… based solely on personal or religious beliefs are disqualified. This provision does not pertain to medical contraindications or allergies to vaccine administration.

By early November, 99.4% of active-duty Navy service members had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Pls.’ App. 284, ECF No. 17. Plaintiffs are part of the remaining 0.6%. Representing the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant branches of Christianity, Plaintiffs object to receiving the COVID-19 vaccine based on their religious beliefs. [2]

While it allowed service members to apply for religious exemptions to the mandate, it has not granted a single one. In fact, as of Dec. 17, the religious accommodation requests of at least 29 of the 35 naval plaintiffs had been flatly denied. [1]

The service members who filed the lawsuit represent more than 350 collective years of military service, and more than 100 combat deployments. When they inquired about seeking religious accommodation for the vaccine, the Navy informed many of them that they could face court-martial or involuntary separation if they refused to take the vaccine. [1]

One year ago, Biden told Fox News that COVID vaccines should not be mandatory, telling White House correspondent Peter Doocy at the time that he “wouldn’t demand it to be mandatory.” [3]

“I would do everything in my power, just like I don’t think masks have to be made mandatory nationwide.” [3]



This case asks the question if a soldier has individual rights and if the DoD actively violates those.


Plaintiff’s Argument

Berry told (Fox News) host Martha MacCallum that every one of the plaintiffs in the case has a unique individual religious belief, as well as the right to hold and exercise that belief — no matter Biden’s or the Pentagon’s view. [3]

“Many of them object to the fact that the vaccine was tested or developed or produced using aborted fetal cells. Others prayed to God [and said] ‘God, what do you want me to do? And God said no.’”

“It would violate their conscience and religious convictions to get the vaccine. Under the law, that is absolutely protected in this country.”


Defendant’s Argument

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Relevant Prior Judgements/ Cases

…More information is needed…


Decision explains: [1]

In his order, (Judge) O’Connor granted an injunction against the Biden administration and the Department of Defense, preventing them from enforcing the vaccine mandate against any of the named service members who had applied for a religious exemption.

O’Connor ruled that the blanket denial of their religious waiver requests amounted to a violation of the service members’ rights under the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Under that law, the government may substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion only if it demonstrates that burden is (1) in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and (2) is the least restrictive means of furthering that interest.

For O’Connor, the violation of the law was clear:

Defendants have substantially burdened Plaintiffs’ religious beliefs. The government burdens religion when it ‘put[s] substantial pressure on an adherent to modify his behavior and to violate his beliefs.’

That is especially true when the government imposes a choice between one’s job and one’s religious belief. Here, Plaintiffs must decide whether to lose their livelihoods or violate sincerely held religious beliefs.

Because they will not compromise these religious beliefs, Plaintiffs have been threatened with separation from the military and other disciplinary action.

According to the First Liberty Institute, the public interest law firm representing the service members, each of the denials appeared to be identical, suggesting the Navy had not taken any of the religious exemption requests seriously.

O’Connor made note of this in his order, calling the process for seeking a religious exemption nothing more than “theater,” stating that the Navy “merely rubber-stamps each denial,” and stressing that “the record overwhelmingly demonstrates that the Navy’s religious-accommodation process is an exercise in futility.”

“The Navy service members in this case seek to vindicate the very freedoms they have sacrificed so much to protect,” O’Connor wrote, adding:

The COVID-19 pandemic provides the government no license to abrogate those freedoms.

There is no COVID-19 exception to the First Amendment.

There is no military exclusion from our Constitution.

The Judgement ends: [2]

This Court does not make light of COVID-19’s impact on the military. Collectively, our armed forces have lost 80 lives to COVID-19 over the course of the pandemic. Defs.’ App. 263,ECF No. 44-3.  But the question before the Court is not whether a public interest exists. Rather, this Court must address whether an injunction will disserve the public interest. An injunction does not disserve the public interest when it prevents constitutional deprivations. Jackson Women’s Health, 760 F.3d at458 n.9.

The Plaintiffs’ loss of religious liberties outweighs any forthcoming harm to the Navy. Even the direst circumstances cannot justify the loss of constitutional rights. Fortunately, the future does not look so dire. Nearly 100% of the Navy has been vaccinated. Hospitalizations are rising at a much slower rate than COVID-19cases. COVID-19treatments are becoming more effective and widely available

The Judge also quoted George Washington, referring to the rights of soldiers as separate from the state:

When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen.” (1775).

Those words are carved into the marble of the Memorial Amphitheater in the Arlington National Cemetery.



Mike Berry, general counsel for First Liberty Institute, said:

Forcing a service member to choose between their faith and serving their country is abhorrent to the Constitution and America’s values … . Punishing SEALs for simply asking for a religious accommodation is purely vindictive and punitive. 

We’re pleased that the court has acted to protect our brave warriors before more damage is done to our national security.

The next stop in the litigation is likely to be an appeal by the Department of Defense and the Biden administration to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.

  • Other federal court challenges to various COVID-19 vaccine mandates are ongoing.
  • On Jan. 7, the Supreme Court is set to hear oral arguments in a set of high-profile, consolidated cases on the Biden administration’s vaccine mandates for private-sector entities with 100 or more employees, and for health care facilities that receive Medicaid and Medicare funding.
  • The Heritage Foundation, a petitioner in the case challenging the private-sector vaccine mandate, has asked the court to invalidate the government’s order. (The Daily Signal is the news outlet of The Heritage Foundation.)

Further Research

Court Documents:
In the news:



Pilots sue Biden Vaccine Mandate

source: Real America’s Voice

Covid vaccine deadline today for U.S. military

source: CNBC Television

Navy’s Vaccine Mandate

Source: KRIS 6 News



  1. Court Delivers Win to Military Members Denied Religious Exemptions From Pentagon Vaccine Mandate
  2. Court Ruling
  3. Biden showing ‘religious hostility’ toward SEALs at center of vax mandate suit



Administration, Biden, Constitution, Department of Defense, District Court for the Northern District of Texas, DOD, Exemption, First Amendment, First Liberty Institute, Military, Naval Special Warfare personnel, Navy, O’Connor, Religious, Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Seals,

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Supreme Court v Lockdown Case

Supreme Court v Lockdown Case

Supreme Court v Lockdown Case

Re: the Legality of Lockdown Measures during the Corona Scare


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Facts of the Case

  • Dates: July, 2021
  • Location: Spain
  • Court: Supreme Court
  • Case #:
  • Plaintiff: Vox Party
  • Defendant:
  • Trial Type:
  • Judge: Supreme Court
  • Status: Decided
  • Verdict: For the Plaintiff



A lawsuit filed by the Vox party challenging the Lockdown Measures. [1]

During the first six weeks of the lockdown, stay at home measures were so strict that the Spanish weren’t even allowed to go outside to exercise or walk their dogs. [2]

In one case, police were called after a neighbor spotted two brothers playing soccer in their own back yard. [2]

As we (SummitNews) previously highlighted, Spain’s lockdown laws were so draconian that at one point authorities briefly told citizens that wearing masks while swimming in the sea was mandatory. [2]

For many months during hot weather, wearing masks in every outdoor setting, even on beaches, was compulsory.

People were also issued fines of €2,000 euros for “disrespecting” a police officer during lockdown. [2]

Numerous instances of police beating people for not wearing masks also emerged, while protesters at one point freed a woman from police arrest while cops were trying to handcuff her for not wearing a face covering. [2]

Early on during the first lockdown, police helicopters fitted with loudspeakers were also used to aggressively order beachgoers to go home. [2]



This case is important as it upholds the Basic Rights of individuals against that of extremist Lockdown measures.


Plaintiff’s Argument

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Defendant’s Argument

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Relevant Prior Judgements/ Cases

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Spain’s Constitutional Court has ruled that the state of alarm that the central government implemented (Lockdown) in March 2020 at the outset of the coronavirus pandemic was unconstitutional. [1]

“While leaving intact most of the state of emergency’s terms, the court said that the key articles ordering the population off the streets except for shorts trips for shopping and unavoidable commutes for work and other official business were unconstitutional,” reports the Associated Press. [1]

“According to TVE, the ruling said that the limitations on movement violated citizens´ basic rights and therefore the state of emergency was insufficient to give them constitutional backing. The six magistrates said that a state of exception, which does allow the government to suspend basic rights, would have been necessary.” [1]

In order to legally limit people’s freedoms to the extent they did last year, the court said, the government would have had to declare a state of an exception rather than a state of emergency. [1]



The ruling leaves the door open for people who were fined for breaking the rules to reclaim the money they paid. [1]

But the court said it would not accept lawsuits from people and businesses who want to sue the government because they lost money due to the lockdown. [1]

The Spanish government may now face multiple lawsuits as a result of the lockdown being declared unlawful. [1]


Further Research

Court Documents:
  • Read the Court Ruling
In the news:
  • …More information is needed…




source: ….


source: ….



  1. Spain’s top court rules that lockdown was unconstitutional
  2. Spain’s Top Court Rules That Lockdown Was Unconstitutional



Beach, constitution, Lockdown, Measures, Party, Police, State of Emergency, Stay at Home, Strict, Supreme Court, Unconstitutional, Violence, Vox

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Hailey Mask Order Case

Hailey Mask Order Case

Hailey Mask Order Case

Re: the Legality of Mask Mandates


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Facts of the Case

  • Dates: Sept 27, 2021
  • Location: Hailey, Idaho, USA
  • Court: US District Court of Idaho
  • Case #: 1:21-cv-389
  • Plaintiff: HFDF, Ryan Blaser, Michelle Sandoz, Barbara Mercer, Emily Knowles (& children) & Kendall Nelson
  • Plaintiff Counsel: Alan Shoff, Davillier Law Group

  • Defendant: City of Hailey, Idaho & Martha Burke (Mayor)
  • Trial Type: Complaint for declaratory & injunctive relief- demand for jury trial
  • Judge: TBD
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Verdict: TBD



This is the second Mask Mandate Order and also the second time this is being challenged.

The Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF) together with several individual plaintiffs (residents of Blaine County, Idaho) submitted a demand for jury trial in the matter of the mask mandate in schools, which is claimed to be contra to constitutional law and invalid in the light of emergency FDA authorization. [1]

HFDF is a not-for-profit public benefit Wyoming corporation, which opposes laws and regulations that force individuals to submit to the administration of medical products, procedures, and devices against their will. [1]

September 13, 2021, the Hailey city council voted unanimously to reinstitute another unlawful mask mandate upon its citizens. [2]

Health Freedom Defense Fund and its members have opposed Hailey’s unlawful mask mandates since the first mandate was implemented in July of 2020 due to the fact they are unscientific, a violation of federal law, and a violation of basic human rights. Throughout 2021, HFDF sent the city demands to repeal their mask order informing them legal action would come and finally after no action was taken, HFDF sued Mayor Martha Burke and the City of Hailey in May 2021.

The same day the lawsuit was filed, Hailey Mayor Martha Burke issued a new health order removing Hailey’s mask mandate which was followed on May 10th, with a vote by the city council to rescind the mask mandate.

The City has twenty days to respond to the filing.

HFDF president Leslie Manookian said, “Not only are mask mandates illegal, they violate some of our most basic human rights such as the right to determine for ourselves how we stay healthy as well as the right to breathe unhindered and no government official has the right to deprive us of those rights.”



This case challenges the legality and medical efficacy of mask mandates. The Mask Mandate is preempted under the Supremacy Clause by the federal law under which the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) issued the Emergency Use Authorization (“EUA”) for mask use, which requires that use of masks must be optional. [1]


Similar complaints for similar reasons have been filed. e.g. IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, FOR THE DISTRICT OF IDAHO, 15th October 2021, Case No. 1:21-cv-406 [1]


Plaintiff’s Argument

In the US, most masks have been issued under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and the terms of the EUA granted by FDA clearly state that the product must not be:

“labeled in such a manner that would misrepresent the product’s intended use; for example, the labeling must not state or imply that the product is intended for antimicrobial or antiviral protection or related uses or is for use such as infection prevention or reduction”. [2]

Thus, the FDA recognizes masks do nothing to stop the spread of viruses or infectious agents. [2]

  1. Not only does FDA acknowledge masks do not prevent the spread of the virus, the terms of the EUA also require that those using the products be given the right to accept or refuse use of the product. See Link. [2]
  2. The FDA has determined that the efficacy of face coverings for reducing or preventing infection from SARS-CoV-2 has not been established, and that it would be misleading to state that they are effective in preventing or reducing such infection.
  3. Similarly, the FDA has stated in three instances that face masks are not intended to reduce or prevent infection:
  4. The product is not intended for any use that would create an undue risk in light of the public health emergency, for example the labeling does not include uses for antimicrobial or antiviral protection or related uses or uses for infection prevention or reduction or related uses and does not include particulate filtration claims. Id. at 7, repeated twice on page 8.

In summary:

  • Masks for prevention of transmission of the virus are only granted emergency approval by the FDA. This requires the use of masks to remain optional, while the normal testing, evaluation, and approval process for use of such masks is ongoing. This process has been illegally bypassed by the FDA due to an emergency. [1]
  • The mask mandate implements a human experiment, while the medical and psychological effects of the masks has not been tested, evaluated, and approved by the FDA under normal procedures. It thus violates Idaho law. [1]
  • The Mask Mandate violates Plaintiffs’ fundamental human rights re 14th Amendment USA [1]
  • The Mask Mandate has been placed in force contrary to the Constitution and laws of the United States. [1]

In Jacobsen vs. Massachusetts, a landmark case on government-mandated medicine, the US Supreme Court unequivocally ruled that there must be clear public health benefit to justify the imposition of a medical mandate. There is little, if any, public health justification in this case as evidence from “gold-standard” mask studies show that facial coverings offer negligible benefit to the wearer or those in their vicinity when it comes to reducing viral transmission among the general population. That evidence even suggests that incorrect or long-term use of masks may increase the risk of transmission, especially with cloth or “community” masks. [3]

When comparing the potential benefit and potential harm of mask mandate policies, it is clear the balance is much more heavily weighted to the harmful side of the equation. [3]


Defendant’s Argument

…More information is needed…


Relevant Prior Judgements/ Cases

As mentioned above the Landmark 1905 Jacobson v Massachusetts, has been cited numerous times in recent courts to justify medical mandates. However this case does not support this. In fact the Supreme Court in 1905, was careful not to violate the right of bodily autonomy and Mr Jacobson was only fined and never vaccinated for Small Pox which was the feared epidemic at the time.

The court also determined that the Small Pox vaccine had nearly 100 years of data to support its efficacy as well as showing that no alternative treatments were available.



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On November 9, 2021, Idaho news outlet KMVT reported: [4]

Council members decided not to rescind the mask mandate at the Monday meeting because they wanted to stay consistent with what neighboring cities are doing, and the COVID-19 risk level in the county is high. Hailey also sees a lot of tourists during the holiday season.

Mayor Burke said that was a clerical error on her part, but citizens do not need to worry because the health order can be rescinded at any point. The council will revisit and discuss the heath order again in 30 days.

One person who attended the meeting asked the council to rescind the mask mandate because he felt the issue is becoming more about emotion than logic. He said, “If you are worried about getting the virus then you can mask up and be protected, or if you have gotten the vaccination you should be able to be protected…the mandate to me doesn’t do anything right now since half the people I come in contact with are not wearing masks.”


In December, Idaho news outlet KMVT reported: [5]

The mask mandate in Hailey will stay in place through the holidays partially because of ski season and increased travel during the holidays.

A press release from the city says a 30-day review for the mandate will not be on the city council agenda for December. It will remain into Jan. 2022. The order in place now mandates masks for indoor public spaces and when social distancing is not possible outdoors.

The mask mandate is not required to be enforced by businesses, but the city says having it in place has been helpful for businesses.


Further Research

Court Documents:
In the news:



Hailey Mask Ordinance – July 2020

source: Idaho News 6

Mask burning at Idaho Capitol -March 7 2021

source: Bill C-Kole



  1. Complaint Case No. 1:21-cv-389
  2. HFDF Sues Hailey AGAIN Over Mask Mandate
  3. Masks Aren’t Just Ineffective, They’re Dangerous
  4. City of Hailey keeps mask mandate in place
  5. Mask mandate in Hailey to remain in effect through holidays



Blaine County, Consent, Constitution, Emergency Use Authorization, EUA, FDA, Hailey, Health Freedom Defense Fund, HFDF, Idaho, Jacobson, Mandate, masks, Massachusetts, Public Health Emergency Order, Supremacy Clause

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