Holocaust Tweet Case

Holocaust Tweet Case

Holocaust Tweet Case

Re: the Legality of comparing the treatment of people due to the Covid measures to those in the Holocaust


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Facts of the Case

  • Dates: Dec 15, 2021
  • Location: Netherlands
  • Court: Rechtbank Amsterdam
  • Case #: C/13/710651 / KG ZA 21-989
  • Plaintiff: CIDI & Jewish Groups
  • Defendant: Thierry Baudet
  • Trial Type: Geding
  • Judge: Unknown
  • Status: Decided
  • Verdict: For the Plaintiff

*updated: Jan 22 2022


Baudet, a member of the Dutch House of Representatives and leader of Forum for Democracy (FVD), was sued for the tweets by 4 Holocaust survivors and two Jewish organizations (Centrum Informatie en Documentatie Israël (CIDI) en het Centraal Joods Overleg). The lawsuit described the tweets as “seriously insulting and unnecessarily hurtful to the murdered victims of the Holocaust, survivors and relatives.” [1]

CIDI released a statement at the time of the lawsuit’s filing, saying that “with these comments, Baudet puts the horrors of the Shoah on the same level as the measures against the coronavirus. He is minimizing the importance of the Holocaust.” [1]

One of Baudet’s tweets compared being unvaccinated to being a Jewish person during the Holocaust. “The unvaccinated are the new Jews, those looking away are the new Nazis,” Baudet tweeted in November. [1]


In an interview with Ilana Rachel Daniel on CHD-TV’s online show ‘The Jerusalem Report’, (see below) the Jewish Israeli host agreed with his comparison and noted that many Israelis have made the same comparisons, including holocaust survivors.

Holocaust Survivors also filed a suit with the International Criminal Court in the Hague making this same analogy.  They write:

“If 80 years ago it was the Jews who were demonized as causing infectious diseases, today it is the unvaccinated who are accused of spreading the virus,” they write. The Holocaust survivors concluded their letter as follows: (2)



This case challenges the free speech of a politician to make comparisons to the Holocaust.


Plaintiff’s Argument

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Defendant’s Argument

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Relevant Prior Judgements/ Cases

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The judge ruled that lawmaker Thierry Baudet needs to delete four tweets he made comparing coronavirus measures and the Holocaust. [1]

“The right to freedom of expression for a representative of the people is not unlimited,” said the judge during the ruling. For each day that the tweets remain online, an additional €25,000 will be imposed on Baudet as a fine. [1]

“By equating in the messages, without any nuance, the situation of unvaccinated citizens with the fate of the Jews in the 1930s and ’40s, you make a comparison, as I said earlier, that is factually wrong and you wrongly use, in other words, you instrumentalize, the human suffering of Jews in the Holocaust and the memories of them,” said the judge during the trial. [1]

Baudet has 48 hours to remove the tweets before the fines begin accumulating. [1]

“The comparison you made in the contested posts goes beyond what can be justified in the interests of robust public debate,” the judge hearing the case said. The judge’s name was not immediately available. [1]



In a reaction on Twitter, Baudet called the judgment “Insane, incomprehensible.” [1]

“We are angry and combative. And of course we will appeal,” he tweeted. [1]

The Jewish groups that started the civil case against Baudet welcomed the ruling, saying in a statement that it “made an important contribution to indicating the limits of the public debate.” [1]

Further Research

Court Documents:
In the news:



Holocaust Survivor Compares today to then

source: Ron Paul Liberty Report

Holocaust Survivor: This is Worse!

source: ….

Vera Sharav Interview

source:Virus Waarheid

Baudet & Plantiffs Reacts to Ruling (Dutch)

source: Omroep PowNed

Baudet on Court Case (12:50-23:33) -English

source: CHD-Jerusalem Report Ep 10

Baudet Banned Speech (Dutch)

source: notanotherbrick



  1. Dutch Lawmaker Thierry Baudet Ordered to Remove Tweets Comparing Unvaccinated to Jews
  2. Holocaust-Überlebende fordern Ermittlungen wegen «Verbrechens gegen die Menschlichkeit» und des «Völkermords»



Censorship, CHD, coronamaatregelen, Crimes against Humanity, Den Haag, Dutch, Forum for Democracy, FvD, Holocaust, ICC, Ilana Rachel Daniel, International Criminal Court, Jerusalem, Moshe Brown and Hillel Handler, Netherlands, Nuremberg, Parliament, Politician, social media, The Hague, Thierry Baudet, Tweede Kamerlid, Twitter, UK government, Vera Sharav

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Legal Opinion-deBuisseret-Crimes Against Humanity

Legal Opinion-deBuisseret-Crimes Against Humanity

Legal Opinion

Re: Who Will be Held Liable Under The Law for Crimes Against Humanity for Lockdown Measures & Experimenting on the People with drugs


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Anna de Buisseret Explains Who Will be Held Liable Under The Law for the“Biggest Crimes Against Humanity Ever Committed”

Dated Nov 21, 2021

“There is nowhere to run, there is nowhere to hide!”

In this brilliant interview, lawyer Anna de Buisseret explains clearly and eloquently how those responsible for causing harm will be held liable under the law in relation to the experimental injections currently being rolled out, especially to young children. She describes how those who have explicitly or implicitly aided and abetted governments in a military grade psychological operation have essentially committed crimes against humanity and that they will inevitably be held accountable, as has happened throughout history.

“The Idea that a bunch of bureaucrats in 2020-21 get to come along and set aside our rule of law, claiming there’s a Public Health Emergency is NOT legal, it’s NOT lawful!”

Having been accused of issuing threats, Anna declares she is simply a messenger and that the law is the law. She is simply pointing out what the law is because people need to be aware of what they are doing and the harms they are causing.

“Under Common Law: Over his/her own mind or body the individual is sovereign”

Source: Blue Cat Media

Notice of Liability for mRNA vaccinations

This Notice of Liability was written by UK lawyer Anna de Buisseret. Its intended use is to be signed and sent to teachers or head masters of schools in the United Kingdom, in order to warn the recipients of the grave harm that mRNA vaccinations may cause to children.

You will need to edit all parts of the notice that are highlighted in yellow.


Anna de Buisseret has further informed Corona Cases that: the Notices have been – and are continuing to be – served on people both here in the UK and globally. The NoLs have to be adapted to quote the relevant domestic law in each country, but the European and International law is the same.



UK, Crimes Against Humanity, Anna de Buisseret, Buisseret, Lawyer, Solicitor, Attorney, opinion, Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948, European Convention of Human Rights, UK Human Rights Act, International Covenant of Social & Economic Rights, Human Rights, Common Law, First do no harm.

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icc uk humanity crimes case

icc uk humanity crimes case

ICC UK Crimes Against Humanity Case

Re: Request to investigate the UK government for Crimes Against Humanity following their covid emergency measures


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Facts of the Case

  • Dates: April, 2021
  • Location: The Hague, the Netherlands
  • Court: International Criminal Court
  • Case #:
  • Plaintiff: Mayne & McCallum
  • Defendant: UK Government
  • Trial Type:
  • Judge:
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Verdict: TBD



British lawyers Melinda C. Mayne and Kaira S. McCallum submitted a 27-page “request for investigation” to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague back in April 2021. In it, they accused the British government and its advisors of involvement in crimes against humanity in the wake of the Covid 19 pandemic (Corona-Transition reported). (1)

In an Aug. 17 press release, the lawyers acknowledged receiving affidavits from leading experts. They included from researcher and nuclear cardiologist Dr. Richard M. Fleming, Nobel laureate and professor of virology Luc A. Montagnier, and Dr. Kevin W. McCairn, a neuroscientist and expert on neurological diseases. Mayne and McCallum were joined most recently by other lawyers who have also filed requests for an investigation at the International Criminal Court on behalf of France, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. (1)

the lawyers have recently been supported by Holocaust survivors Vera Sharav, Moshe Brown and Hillel Handler. They also addressed the International Criminal Court in an open letter at the end of September, which GlobalResearch recently pointed out.(1)

“We, the undersigned, as survivors of atrocities against humanity during World War II, feel obligated to follow our conscience and write this letter in support of the joint ‘Requests for Inquiry’ to the International Criminal Court,” Sharav, Brown and Handler wrote, referring to the requests by Mayne and McCallum and other lawyers. (1)

In the letter, the Holocaust survivors recall Principle 1 of the Nuremberg Code, which was established after World War II. One of the reasons for this is that the Nazis had carried out medical experiments such as forced sterilizations on human beings. Precisely against this background, the Code stipulates, among other things, that “voluntary consent” must be given for medical experiments. (1)

“If 80 years ago it was the Jews who were demonized as causing infectious diseases, today it is the unvaccinated who are accused of spreading the virus,” they write. The Holocaust survivors concluded their letter as follows: (1)

“We, the survivors of the concentration camps, witnessed numerous atrocities committed during World War II and were told that it would never happen again, but yet it is happening again. What a devastating realization: how many elderly people were forced by fear to be vaccinated and did not survive? How many survived the Holocaust but not the COVID-19 injection? How many survived the medical experiments in Auschwitz and Birkenau, but not this present medical experiment? (1)



This request seeks to hold the UK government accountable for Crimes against Humanity caused by their emergency measures


Plaintiff’s Argument

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Defendant’s Argument

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Further Research

Court Documents:
In the news:
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source: ….


source: ….


source: ….



  1. Holocaust-Überlebende fordern Ermittlungen wegen «Verbrechens gegen die Menschlichkeit» und des «Völkermords»



Den Haag, ICC, International Criminal Court, The Hague, UK government, Crimes against Humanity, Holocaust, Vera Sharav, Moshe Brown and Hillel Handler, Nuremberg

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