Bavaria Anti 2G Case

Bavaria Anti 2G Case

Bavaria Retailers Anti 2G Case

Re: the Legality, fairness & confusion of 2G rules that apply for some retailers but not for others


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Facts of the Case

  • Dates: January 19, 2022
  • Location: Munich, Germany
  • Court: Bayerische Verwaltungsgerichtshof
  • Case #:
  • Plaintiff: Lamp Store
  • Defendant:
  • Trial Type:
  • Judge:
  • Status: Decided
  • Verdict: for the Plaintiff

*updated: Jan 26, 2022



In December, a Higher Administrative Court (Oberverwaltungsgericht) of Lower Saxony in Lüneburg (Case # Az.: 13 MN 477/21) [3] overturned the 2G rule in retail. After the judgment, the German Retail Association called for the 2G rule in retail to be abolished nationwide. [1]

According to the 15th Bavarian Ordinance on Infection Protection Measures [4], the 2G rule in retail demands that only vaccinated and recovered people would have access to the shops. [1]

Now an urgent application against the 2G rule in Bavaria has also been heard. [1]

The complaint was filed by the owner of a lighting store in Upper Bavaria that was affected by this policy. Shops that cover daily needs, however are excluded. [1] for example grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations, bookstores, flower stores, hardware stores, garden markets and Christmas tree sales. [2] In mid-December, the court had already ruled that toy stores also fall under daily needs and are therefore not subject to the 2G rule. At the end of December, clothing stores were additionally exempted. [2] The applicant saw this as a violation of her professional freedom and the principle of equal treatment. [1]
In shopping streets, given the many exceptions, only very few stores ended up applying the 2G rule, for example stores for jewelry, watches, electronics or household goods. “In some areas, the demarcations of what is daily necessities and what is not were barely understandable. Then, for example, the 2G rule applied to haberdashery and suspenders, but not to the pants themselves,” says Gärtner (managing director of the trade association in Swabia). [2]
“The lack of understanding on the part of customers has therefore recently increased considerably,” Gärtner observed. [2]



This case undoes the restrictive 2G rule for every shop and retailer. It is a major blow to the Covid regime. It is also significant in that Bavaria’s Governor Markus Soeder (CSU) is one of the strictest and most vocal supporters of Lockdowns, Track and Trace and Mandatory Vaccinations.


Plaintiff’s Argument

According to the current Bavarian Ordinance on Protection against Infection, only vaccinated and recovered persons may enter retail stores. Stores catering to daily needs are exempt. The applicant considered this to be a violation of her freedom of occupation and of the principle of equal treatment. [1]


Defendant’s Argument

…More information is needed…


Relevant Prior Judgements/ Cases

…More information is needed…



“We are completely suspending 2G in retail in Bavaria and thus ensuring a quick and practicable implementation of the VGH decision,” Head of the State Chancellery (CSU) announced immediately after the decision became known. [1]

The judges have struck down the entire regulation: they see the Infection Protection Act as a sufficient legal basis for 2G restrictions in retail. However, the Bavarian Ordinance must state clearly and conclusively to which transactions the Regulation specifically applies. [4]

The criterion of “daily need” is explained in the Infection Protection Measures Ordinance by an – exhaustive – list of examples, the Administrative Court explained. Thus, it is not possible to determine with sufficient certainty from the ordinance which business is covered by the access restriction and which is not. [1]

According to the court, however, there must then be “sufficient clarity from the regulation itself” as to exactly which areas the 2G rules apply to and which do not. The government should not hand over this task to offices and courts. [2]

There is no right of appeal against Wednesday’s decision. [1]



  • The CEO of the German Retail Association, Stefan Genth, said, “Bavaria and Lower Saxony are leading the way for the other states. 2G in retail makes no sense and must be quickly abolished.” Since the beginning of the pandemic, he said, the food trade has shown that purchasing with a mask, distance and hygiene concept is safe. [1]

“Policymakers in all states and the federal government need to correct themselves and quickly repeal 2G in shopping.” [1]

  • Head of the State Chancellery Herrmann (CSU) also emphasized, “The FFP2 mask requirement in retail continues to apply and provide protection.” [1]
  • We unreservedly welcome this ruling,” says Wolfgang Puff, General Manager of the Bavarian Trade Association. “We hope that sales and frequencies in the retail sector will now pick up again, as many people have recently been very unsettled,” [2]

“We would be happy not to have to make any limitations and control 2G obligations in the future,” he adds. [2]

Puff now hopes that more customers will return to the stores after the ruling. [2]

“Higher retail visitation figures are urgently needed, as Christmas sales have fallen through the cracks for the second time,” he says. “We have to get back to normal at some point, because at some point retailers’ reserves will be exhausted,” Puff warns. [2]

  • The Bavarian Trade Association has welcomed the end of the 2G rule in stores. “We hope the topic is finally out of the picture,” said managing director Bernd Ohlmann. The decision of the administrative court was awaited by many traders. “Now we have clarity.”

    Ohlmann complained that the state government-ordered 2G rule “ruined Christmas business” for retailers. Restricted access did not lead to notorious vaccination refusals, they bought online – as did many vaccinated people who were deterred by queues outside checks in stores. [4]

  • Economy Minister Hubert Aiwanger (Free Voters) welcomed the Administrative Court’s decision. “Retail has been calling for this relaxation for a long time, as 2G screening for the affected ranges required a lot of effort and there is no particular risk of infection in retail due to FFP2 masks,” a- he told the “Passauer Neue”. Press”. It is a relief for traders to be able to work without 2G in the future. [4]
Other Rulings
  • On Jan 21, 2022, The Higher Administrative Court of Saarland also overturned the 2G rules for retail citing similar reasons and conditions. [5]
  • In Baden-Württemberg, the 2G regulation at universities will be suspended as of next week (week of Jan 24, 2022). This was decided by the VGH in Mannheim.  [6]
  • On Jan 25, 2022, also in n Baden-Württemberg, the Verwaltungsgerichtshof (The Administrative Court) overturned the 2G rule for retail. The Court considers the freezing of alert level II by the Corona Ordinance to be probably unlawful. [7]


Further Research

Court Documents:
  • Read the Court Ruling
In the news:



Prof Bhakdi: 2G & Impfpflicht

source: orangetower

„2G Plus” für Gastronomie soll kommen

source: Bild

Bayerischer Einzelhandel kippt 2G-Regeln

source: DE Nachrichten

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Retailers 2G Case

Retailers 2G Case

Retailers 2G Case

Re: the Legality of Germany’s 2G rules


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Facts of the Case

  • Dates: December 16, 2021
  • Location: Lüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
  • Court: Lower Saxony High Administrative Court
  • Case #: Az.: 13 MN 477/21
  • Plaintiff: Retailers
  • Defendant: Government
  • Trial Type:
  • Judge:
  • Status: Decided
  • Verdict: For the Plaintiff



The implementation of Covid restrictions in the retail sector, named the 2G rule, has been challenged in court by retailers from all over Germany.

Those without a Covid passport are now forbidden to enter many shops, restaurants, and cultural events as a result of the 2G law.

Retailers have complained about a substantial decline in sales and the terrible timing of the restrictions during the Christmas season since the 2G rule was enforced in the retail sector earlier this month.



This case highlights the impact of the covid rules on the economy, especially small businesses. It also questions the discriminatory nature of the guidelines.


Plaintiff’s Argument

…More information is needed…


Defendant’s Argument

…More information is needed…



The execution of the laws impacting retail was suspended by a court in Lower Saxony on Thursday. The restrictions were declared discriminatory by the court.

The measure was not necessary to further contain the corona virus and was also not compatible with the general principle of equality, the court ruled. [2]

One of the reasons given by the court for its decision was that it was not possible to simply transfer research findings from enclosed spaces in the sports and leisure sector to the retail sector. Moreover, customers could also be required to wear an FFP2 mask in the retail sector. In addition, he said, it was not apparent that the country had increased its research on infection pathways to improve the targeting of its protective measures. [2]



“The judgment in Lower Saxony makes it clear that the 2G regulation is not a legal sure-fire successor for large parts of the retail sector,” said HDE (German Trade Association) managing director Stefan Genth of the German press agency.

Genth expects that other federal states that have challenged the 2G rule will follow Lower Saxony’s lead.

“The other state governments should now also take this into account, avoid unjustified burdens on the retail trade and not wait until their ordinances are collected again by the courts,” he said in a statement.


Further Research

Court Documents:
  • Read the Court Ruling
In the news:



2G-Regel für Kinder ab 12 Jahren

source: Bild

Gericht kippt 2G im Einzelhandel

source: Ritter der Meinungsfreiheit

Infektiologe kritisiert 2G-Regel

source: Bild



  1. German court state of Lower Saxony has ruled that vaccine passports are illegal
  2. Niedersachsen kippt 2G-Regel im Einzelhandel



2G, Christmas, Genth, German, German Trade Association, Germany, HDE, High Administrative Court, Lower Saxony, Pass, Passport, Retailers

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Legal Opinion-Bahner-VaxLegality

Legal Opinion-Bahner-VaxLegality

Legal Opinion

Re: the illegal implementation of the vaccines & violation of German & EU Medical Laws


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Legal Report written by the German lawyer Beate Bahner, outlining the many violations under German & EU Law of the Covid Inoculation program. (Dated Dec 27, 2021)

  • Section 1 : is the full original document (in German)
  • Section 2 : is a ‘Working English’ translation made by Corona Cases of item “9. Summary” of lawyer Bahner’s document

(i.e. it is not an ‘official translation’ authorized for legal purposes but only intended as an aid to understanding of the main content of the German summary.)

  • Section 3 : is a Video in which she warns of the Criminal Consequences of participating in the inoculation program (with English Subtitles).


Click the “View Fullscreen” button below to get full functionality in fullscreen.


9. Summary

1. A substance may only be used for the manufacture of a medicinal product if the intended use is either described in a monograph in accordance with the pharmacopoeia in a monograph, or extensive additional studies, including toxicity studies and clinical studies are submitted for the new new excipients. 

2. The sense and purpose of all German and European pharmaceutical regulations is the protection of people through the quality, safety and efficacy of medicinal products.

3. EMA [the European Medicines Agency] has imposed special conditions on BioNTech – particularly with regard to the two lipid nanoparticles, ALC 0315 and ALC 0159 in particular, as these are novel adjuvants for the Comirnaty vaccine and used for the first time on humans and in a novel way.

4. The corresponding special conditions of the EMA (specific obligations SO2, SO4, SO5) for these novel adjuvants had to be fulfilled by Biontech by July 2021.

5. Both the EMA report on the extension of the conditional marketing authorization in October 2021 as well as the safety data sheet of Pfizer for Comirnaty dated 7.12.2021 show that these conditions have not been fulfilled and that the required documentation is not available. It says: “No data available”. 

6. This is a violation of the principles of good manufacturing practice and thus also a a violation of the recognized pharmaceutical rules in the sense of § 8 para. 1 no. 1 AMG. According to this, it is forbidden to bring medicinal products into the market such that “by deviation from the recognized pharmaceutical rules, their quality is not insignificantly reduced”.

7. The quality is already reduced by the fact alone that two essential ingredients contained in Comirnaty are not intended for use in or on humans and are therefore considered “novel excipients” for which special documents and evidence must be provided.

8. In addition, lipid-related impurities in the vaccine are already documented in EMA’s registration dossier. Impurities of the vaccine are documented. These impurities are likely to increase in the light of further information on the reduction in filtration processes of the adjuvant nanolipid ALC-0315, these impurities may have even increased. With the reduction of the filtering processes, the marketing authorization holder would also violate S02, SO4 and SO5 of EMA in the marketing authorization notice.

9. Finally, according to the safety reports of the Paul Ehrlich Institute, the vaccine shows an alarming number of harmful effects that far beyond what is “justifiable” according to medical science.

10. Due to this fact, there is furthermore a violation of § 5 para. 1 AMG namely, a violation of the prohibition of the marketing and use of questionable medicinal products. Thus, not only the manufacturers but also the vaccinating physicians, as well as all persons responsible for a vaccination with Comirnaty are subject to the regulations of the Medicinal Products Act.

11. Violations of § 8 AMG and § 5 AMG are classified as criminal offenses according to § 95 para. 1 no. 1 and no. 3a and are punishable by up to 3 years’ imprisonment. Negligent commission is also punishable, § 95 para. 4 AMG.

12. A particularly serious case of this offense with imprisonment of up to 10 years if another person is exposed to the risk of death or serious injury to body or health, § 95 (3) No. 2 AMG. In this case is the manufacture, distribution and use of the vaccine Comirnaty contrary to the prohibitions of §§ 5 and 8 AMG. is intentionally realized.

13. Furthermore, vaccination may not be carried out in the case of allergies to a component of the vaccine. Therefore, all persons to be vaccinated must be tested in advance for a possible allergy to one of the components in order to exclude any contraindication to the vaccination.

14. Therefore, a person may not be vaccinated until he or she has been tested for tolerance to each of the components of the vaccine with respect to allergic compatibility and the tolerance to all components of the Comirnaty vaccine has been medically confirmed.

15. Until then, vaccination with the Comirnaty vaccine must be prohibited due to the possibility of a serious health hazard.

16. An infringement not only violates the aforementioned provisions of the Medicinal Products of the Medicines Act, but also other principles of general criminal law.

17. All statements also apply to the vaccine Spikevax from MODERNA!

Heidelberg, 27 December 2021

Beate Bahner[signed]


Source: shortXXvids



Bahner, Beate Bahner, BioNTech, Cominarty, EMA, European Medicines Agency, germany, imprisonment, Legal Opinion, Pfizer, prison, punishment

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