

Police Mandate Case: High Court

Re: the Legality of mandating vaccines to the “Frontline Employees” (NZDF & police) of New Zealand


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Facts of the Case

  • Dates: Jan 6, 2022 (filed)
  • Location: New Zealand
  • Court: High Court
  • Case #: CIV-2022-485-000001/ [2022] NZHC 291
  • Plaintiff: Yardley, Wallace & a Defence Force Worker
  • Plaintiff’s Lawyer: M I Hague & A P Miller
  • Expert Testimony: Dr Petrovsky
  • Defendant: Minister for Workplace Relations & Safety, Commissioner of Police, Chief Of Defence Force, & the Attorney General
  • Trial Type: High Court
  • Justice: Francis Cooke
  • Status: Decided (Feb 25, 2022)
  • Verdict: for the Plaintiff

*updated March 10, 2022



The challenge, put forward by a three Defence force and police employees, questioned the legality of making an order under the Covid-19 Public Health Response Act to require vaccination for frontline employees. [1]

and who face termination if they are not vaccinated by 1 March 2022. [2]

The challenge was supported by a group of 37 employees affected by the mandate, who submitted written affidavits to the court. [1]

Minister of Workplace Relations and Safety Michael Wood, Deputy Police Commissioner Tania Kura and NZDF Chief People Officer Brigadier Matthew Weston filed affidavits defending the mandate. [1]

As it stands, 164 of the overall police workforce of nearly 15,700 were affected by the mandate after choosing not to be vaccinated. For NZDF, the mandate affected 115 of its 15,500 staff. [1]

The Police and Defence Force mandate was introduced by the Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety by the COVID19 Public Health Response (Specified Work Vaccinations) Order 2021 in December 2021. It required all Defence Force personnel and all Police constables, recruits and authorised officers to receive two doses of the vaccine by 1 March 2022. It was additional to existing vaccination policies Police and Defence had already introduced internally.  [3]


The 25-year police veteran Detective Senior Sergeant Ryan Yardley says the family’s decision to not get the Covid vaccine exposed them all to unfair treatment, unable to work, to go to restaurants and cafes, or to associate with friends. [4]

“And then I watched the mandates rolling for the teachers, and then the hospital staff, and I could see the harm and hurt that it was doing across society. Just from talking to friends and other people and hearing everyone’s stories. And that does not align with my values. And then the fact that people started getting separated and discriminated in society in relation to where they can and can’t go.” [4]

He and his family were not just opposed to the vaccine mandate – they were also personally against being vaccinated. “Everyone has to weigh that up for themselves personally and try and figure out the benefit versus risk scenario,” he said. [4]

“Because obviously, there are some known side effects that are coming out, myocarditis and other ones and I think it’s affecting more of the younger guys. I’m just slightly above that that age bracket, but it’s enough to make me concerned.”[4]



The landmark case means that the police and NZDF cannot be fired for refusing to take the experimental covid vaccine. This case may be used to overthrow all of PM Ardern’s mandates in New Zealand. [1]


Plaintiff’s Argument

The applicants challenge the Order on four main grounds: [2]

(a) that the Order was not properly made for the purposes of the Act and it is inconsistent with those purposes; and

(b) that the Order is inconsistent with other legislative provisions in the Defence Act 1990, the Policing Act 2008 and other legislation, and accordingly unlawfully purports to suspend the operation of other legislation; and

(c) that the Order fails to meet the Crown’s obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi for being inconsistent with Treaty principles, including because of disproportionate impact on Māori; and

(d) that the Order is unlawful as it involves an unjustified limit on rights protected by the NewZealand Bill of Rights Act, particularly the right to refuse to undergo medical treatment (s 11), the right to manifest religion (s 15), the right to be free from discrimination (s 19) and other rights recognised by s 28 of the Bill of Rights (including the right to work, and of minority groups to enjoy their culture and practice of religion).

The group relied on two aspects of the Bill of Rights – the right to decline a medical procedure and the right to religious freedom. [1]

On the religious freedom argument, a number of those who made submissions referred to their fundamental objection to taking the Pfizer vaccine, given that it was tested on the cells that were derived from a human foetus. [1]

expert testimony

expert evidence from Dr Nikolai Petrovsky. DrPetrovsky is presently the Director of the Diabetes and Endocrinology Department of Flinders Medical Centre, Academic Professor at Flinders University, and Director of Vaxine Pty Ltd, a biotechnology company specialising in vaccine development and formulation. In this latter role he has developed a vaccine for COVID19 which is presently in use in Iran. Finally the applicants rely on expert evidence from Raharuhi Koia, a Minister within the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa NewZealand. [2]


Defendant’s Argument

…More information is needed…


Relevant Prior Judgements/ Cases

Three judicial review proceedings have been heard in the High Court challenging such orders. [2]

1. In September 2021 in GF v Minister of COVID19 Response and Others Churchman J dismissed a challenge to an order bought by a former employee of the New Zealand Customs Service who had had her employment terminated. Two arguments were addressed that the order was ultra vires the Act, and that it was irrational. [2]

2. In October in Four Aviation Security Service Employees v Minister of COVID19 Response I then heard and dismissed a challenge to the order relating to Customs Service employees of broader scope, which included an argument that the order breached the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 by being an unjustified limit on the right to refuse to undergo any medical treatment as affirmed by s 11.3 I concluded that the order was a justified limit on that right. In doing so I noted: [2]

There is a last point of significance. This case concerns the measure that was introduced when New Zealand had eradicated the virus after the first outbreak, and was seeking to prevent a further outbreak (or delay a further outbreak until a greater proportion of the population is vaccinated, means of treating and managing the virus are better known, and the health system is better organised to address such an outbreak). Since that time it is a matter of judicial notice that an outbreak has occurred in Auckland, and that COVID19 is spreading. It does not appear that this outbreak can be eliminated, reflecting the greater transmissibility of the Delta variant. Whether the challenged measure would remain demonstrably justified on the basis that it contributes to addressing the spread of the virus in circumstances when the virus is endemic in at least parts of New Zealand is an open question. This question is not before me. I note that under s 14(5) of the Act the Minister and DirectorGeneral are obliged to keep their COVID19 orders under review. [2]

3. Finally in November in Four Midwives v Minister for COVID19 Response Palmer J heard and dismissed a claim advanced by certain midwives affected by a vaccine mandate, together with the first part of a challenge to the mandate brought by certain teachers and doctors. Palmer J rejected the argument that the orders were not within the empowering provision of the Act notwithstanding it did not explicitly refer to vaccination. Palmer J endorsed the observation made in Four Aviation Security Services Employees that it was surprising that the legislation had not specifically addressed vaccination and the issues it raised. The second claim in the proceedings brought by teachers and doctors that the relevant order is not a justified limit on the right under s 5 of the Bill of Rights is to be heard shortly. That question was not addressed by Palmer J. [2]



The Order made in the present case is nevertheless unlawful and is set aside. [2]

Justice Francis Cooke ruled that ordering frontline police officers and Defence staff to be vaccinated or face losing their job was not a “reasonably justified” breach of the Bill of Rights. [1]

Justice Cooke agreed with the claim, saying that “an obligation to receive the vaccine which a person objects to because it has been tested on cells derived from a human foetus, potentially an aborted foetus, does involve a limitation on the manifestation of a religious belief.” [1]

However, Justice Cooke disagreed with the claimants’ broader claims that requiring vaccination is inconsistent with holding religious beliefs more generally. [1]

“I do not accept that a belief in an individual’s bodily integrity and personal autonomy is a religious belief or practice. Rather it seems to me, in the circumstances of this case, to be a belief in the secular concept referred to in section 11 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act.” [1]

Justice Cooke also agreed with the claim that the mandate impinged on the right to decline a medical procedure. [1]

The judge said that while it’s clear the government isn’t forcing Police and NZDF employees to get vaccinated against their will and they still have the right to refuse vaccination, the mandate presents an element of pressure. [1]

“The associated pressure to surrender employment involves a limit on the right to retain that employment, which the above principles suggest can be thought of as an important right or interest recognised not only in domestic law, but in the international instruments,” Justice Cooke stated. [1]

But in considering the two claims, Justice Cooke also considered whether or not the mandate fell within the definitions laid out in the Covid-19 Public Health Response Act. [1]

The court accepted that vaccination has a significant beneficial effect in limiting serious illness, hospitalisation, and death, including with the Omicron variant. However, it was less effective in reducing infection and transmission of Omicron than had been the case with other variants of Covid-19. [1]

“In essence, the order mandating vaccinations for police and NZDF staff was imposed to ensure the continuity of the public services, and to promote public confidence in those services, rather than to stop the spread of Covid-19. Indeed health advice provided to the government was that further mandates were not required to restrict the spread of Covid-19. I am not satisfied that continuity of these services is materially advanced by the order,” the Judge said. [1]

“Covid-19 clearly involves a threat to the continuity of police and NZDF services. That is because the Omicron variant in particular is so transmissible. But that threat exists for both vaccinated and unvaccinated staff. I am not satisfied that the order makes a material difference, including because of the expert evidence before the court on the effects of vaccination on Covid-19 including the Delta and Omicron variants.” [1]

An additional claim that the mandate would disproportionately affect Māori was dismissed by Justice Cooke. [1]



Nzherald.co.nz reports: The lawyer for the police and Defence staff at the centre of the claim is now calling for the suspended workers to return to their jobs immediately, saying many have given decades of service to their community and are still committed to their jobs. [1]


Response from the Plaintiffs

After overturning Police and Defence vaccine mandates in court,  lawyer Matthew Hague, for 200-plus uniformed personnel has written to the Prime Minister today giving her till Friday to remove ‘discriminatory’ vaccine certificates too. [4]

“The Covid vaccination certificates requirement does not prevent or limit the risk of the outbreak or spread of Covid-19,” he wrote. “United We Stand ask that you immediately revoke the order or amend it to remove the Covid vaccination certificates requirement.”

“If the Covid vaccination certificates requirement is not removed by 4 March 2022, United We Stand has instructed us to apply for judicial review of the order.” [4]

He has also written to Police Commissioner Andrew Coster and Chief of Defence Air Marshal Kevin Short, saying it was not enough to just pause the termination processes. Those who have taken leave without pay should now be allowed to return to work, and those who resigned under threat of dismissal should be allowed to get their old jobs back. [4]

“Now that the High Court has determined that the order is unlawful and should be set aside, there is no basis for the ultimatum given to these workers. They must immediately be given the option of being reinstated with backpay.” [4]

Hague and Yardley confirmed there were ongoing discussions about the next steps – which may include the steeper legal challenge of suing the Government for damages. But first, they want an apology for the “enormous amount of harm” done to the officers and their families. [4]

The court heard evidence of 164 police, and 115 defence staff, who were still refusing to be vaccinated at the start of this month. It’s thought the full number of affected personnel (uniformed and civilian) is higher than that, because some simply resigned rather than face dismissal. [4]

Ryan Yardley told Newsroom that for him, a core principle of Christianity was accepting everyone – not discriminating against particular groups like those who refused to be vaccinated.  Yardley said the mandates went against everything he believed in – his personal faith, and 25 years as a police officer adhering to the Bill of Rights. [4]

“To have something so fundamental stripped away from you, as that right to refuse any kind of medical treatment, just didn’t sit well. [4]

Response from the Defendant

It’s not immediately clear how many Police and Defence personnel, uniformed or civilian, may seek their jobs back. The police said they had retracted 42 termination letters – but acknowledged there were at least 100 more who had taken leave without pay, and more still who had resigned. [4]

Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Michael Wood said the High Court judgment was clear that it was not questioning the efficacy of vaccines nor the role of mandates per se, but just whether they were justified specifically for Police and Defence business continuity. [4]

“As the decision has only just been released, we will take time to consider it and seek advice on next steps,” he said. “The requests for vaccination mandates originally came from Police and Defence, so before making any decision we will go back to them to assess the implications for their operations. [4]

“No Defence and Police terminations will proceed at this time. Affected staff in Police and Defence are being advised.” [4]




NZ High Court Stops Police Mandate


source: Truths Uncensored

NZ High Court Stops Police Mandate for Religion


source: Faith Reporters

NZ Military & Police Mandate Stopped

source: AussieFighter.

NZ High Court Rules against Mandate

source: Lawyer Sue Gray



  1. New Zealand High Court ENDS Jacinda Ardern’s Vaccine Mandate: “It’s a Gross Violation of Human Rights”
  2. Court Ruling
  3. High Court Official Media Release
  4. Govt faces legal ultimatum: End mandates and vaccine passes, now



Arden, Bill of Rights, bodily integrity, Cooke, Covid-19 Public Health Response Act, foetus, freedom, High Court, Jacinda, Justice, Mandate, New Zealand, New Zealand Bill of Rights Act, NZDF, personal autonomy, PM, Religious, Supreme Court, Vaccine

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Legal Opinion: Vaccine Mandate

Re: how to respond to the German Government’s proposed Covid Vaccine Mandate


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German Lawyer B Bahner’s letter of advice to those seeking Legal council against the mandates – Mar 7, 2022


My current response to the many inquiries around the planned general vaccination obligation:

At the moment, I recommend waiting and keeping a cool head. The general vaccination obligation in the form of the presentation of a vaccination certificate has not yet been introduced, there are still no fines, and therefore we cannot react at all. There is only a first draft law that provides for compulsory proof of Corona vaccination for all adults from the age of 18.

The law is not to come into force until 1 October 2022 – and is to expire just over a year later, on 31 December 2023.

However, the bill does not provide for compulsory vaccination, but only for compulsory proof of vaccination – presumably digitalised…. Pregnant women and persons for whom vaccination is contraindicated are exempt from the obligation to provide proof of vaccination.

So no one will be forcibly vaccinated or even taken away by police or soldiers and forced to be vaccinated at gunpoint or against their will.

At most, a fine of a maximum of €2,500 may be imposed.

Here, too, it must be waited and seen whether and how quickly the missing proof will be checked and then sanctioned with a fine at all! In the case of a penalty notice, the competent authority must receive an objection by fax or letter within two weeks, otherwise the fine will become legally binding.

However, if millions of non-vaccinated citizens receive fines and defend themselves against them, then any court dates will probably not be scheduled for many months or even one or two years. Then the question of the constitutionality of compulsory vaccination will have to be fundamentally clarified before the courts.

However, I am sure that no fines will be imposed this year, so it is also a case of waiting and keeping a cool head.

Getting individual advice from me at this stage would therefore be a waste money. Of course, in the event of the introduction of compulsory vaccination (which has not yet been decided!!), many lawyers will take legal action against this and of course there will also be constitutional complaints. So really wait and see and don’t let yourself be frightened.

On 27.12.2021 I prepared a legal opinion on the punishability of the Corona vaccination, you can find it on my homepage. It could be helpful, you are welcome to use it and forward it, like all my documents on my homepage.

In my opinion, the most important thing is close networking with like-minded people and those affected. Together we are strong, only through joint activities can we make a difference. We are much more than we think. So find these people, especially in your local area and in professional and social networks and support each other, unfortunately this is not a sprint but a marathon!

You will find a lot of free information not only in my book “Corona Vaccination: What Doctors and Patients Absolutely Need to Know”, which is also available free of charge as an eBook, but also on my homepage at www.beatebahner.de and on my Telegram channel at https://t.me/rechtsanwaeltin_beate_bahner.

Unfortunately, I cannot provide further free information by email and telephone due to the enormous number of inquiries, for which I am sure you will understand.

Beate Bahner, specialist lawyer for medical law

Author of the book “Corona vaccination: What doctors and patients should absolutely know”.

Member of Lawyers for Enlightenment

My Telegram channel: https://t.me/rechtsanwaeltin_beate_bahner

My homepage: www.beatebahner.de


Meine aktuelle Antwort zu den vielen Anfragen rund um die geplante allgemeine Impfpflicht:

Im Moment empfehle ich, abzuwarten und einen kühlen Kopf zu bewahren. Noch ist die allgemeine Impfpflicht in Form der Vorlage eines Impfnachweises nicht eingeführt, noch gibt es keine Bußgelder, noch können wir deshalb überhaupt nicht reagieren. Es liegt lediglich ein erster Gesetzentwurf vor, der eine Nachweispflicht der Corona-Impfung für alle Erwachsenen ab 18 Jahren vorsieht.

Das Gesetz soll erst zum 1. Oktober 2022 in Kraft treten – und bereits ein gutes Jahr später, am 31. Dezember 2023 wieder außer Kraft treten.

Der Gesetzentwurf sieht allerdings keine Impfplicht vor, sondern nur eine Nachweispflicht über die Impfung – vermutlich digitalisiert…. Ausgenommen vom Impfnachweis sind Schwangere und Personen, bei denen eine Impfung kontraindiziert ist.

Niemand wird also zwangsgeimpft oder gar von Polizei oder Soldaten abtransportiert und mit Waffengewalt oder gegen seinen Willen Zwang geimpft.

Es droht allenfalls ein Bußgeld in Höhe von maximal 2.500,- €.

Auch hier muss abgewartet werden, ob und wie schnell der fehlende Nachweis überprüft und dann überhaupt mit einem Bußgeld sanktioniert wird! Im Falle eines Bußgeldbescheids muss in jedem Fall binnen zwei Wochen per Fax oder Brief der Einspruch dagegen bei der zuständigen Behörde eingegangen sein, sonst wird das Bußgeld rechtskräftig.

Wenn jedoch Millionen nicht geimpfte Bürger Bußgelder erhalten und sich hiergegen wehren, dann werden etwaige Gerichtstermine vermutlich erst in vielen Monaten oder sogar erst in ein oder zwei Jahren anberaumt. Dann wird die Frage der Verfassungsmäßigkeit der Impfpflicht fundamental vor den Gerichten geklärt werden müssen.

Ich bin jedoch sicher, dass in diesem Jahr keine Bußgelder verhängt werden, es gilt also auch hier, abzuwarten und einen kühlen Kopf zu bewahren.

Eine Beratung durch mich zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt wäre daher unnötiges Geld. Freilich werden darüber hinaus im Falle der Einführung einer Impfpflicht (diese ist derzeit noch nicht beschlossen!!) viele Anwälte hiergegen vorgehen und freilich wird es auch Verfassungsbeschwerden geben. Warten Sie also wirklich ab und lassen Sie sich nicht verängstigen!

Ich habe am 27.12.2021 ein Rechtsgutachten zur Strafbarkeit der Corona-Impfung erstellt, dieses finden Sie auf meiner Homepage. Es könnte hilfreich sein, Sie können es gerne verwenden und weiterleiten, wie alle meine Dokumente auf meiner Homepage.

Das Wichtigste ist nach meiner Einschätzung eine enge Vernetzung mit Gleichgesinnten und Betroffenen. Gemeinsam sind wir stark, nur durch gemeinsame Aktivitäten können wir etwas bewirken. Wir sind viel mehr, als wir denken! Also finden Sie diese Menschen, vor allem bei sich vor Ort und in beruflichen und sozialen Netzwerken und unterstützen Sie sich gegenseitig, dies hier ist leider kein Sprint, sondern ein Marathon!

Viele kostenlose Infos finden Sie nicht nur in meinem Buch „Corona-Impfung: Was Ärzte und Patienten unbedingt wissen sollten“, das auch kostenlos als EBook erhältlich ist, sondern auch auf meiner Homepage unter www.beatebahner.de und auf meinen Telegramkanal unter https://t.me/rechtsanwaeltin_beate_bahner.

Weitere kostenlose Auskünfte per Email und Telefon kann ich leider aufgrund der enormen Anzahl von Anfragen nicht erteilen, wofür Sie sicherlich Verständnis haben.

Beate Bahner, Fachanwältin für Medizinrecht

Autorin des Buches “Corona-Impfung: Was Ärzte und Patienten unbedingt wissen sollten”

Mitglied der Anwälte für Aufklärung

Mein Telegramkanal: https://t.me/rechtsanwaeltin_beate_bahner

Meine Homepage: www.beatebahner.de


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article, Berliner Zeitung, BKK, CEO, deaths, evaluation, germany, Insurance, Letter, Paul Ehrlich Institute, PEI, Petition, ProVita, risks, Schöfbeck, side effects, underreporting, Vaccination, Vaccine

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Constitutional Crisis Case

Constitutional Crisis Case

Constitutional Crisis Case

Re: the Legality of the government’s ability to invoke the Covid Emergency Measures & specifically to violate the Right of Travel


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Facts of the Case

  • Date Filed: Jan 26, 2022
  • Location: Canada
  • Court: The Applicants request to be heard at Ottawa
  • Case #:
  • Plaintiff: JCCF, Brian Pickford Leesha Nikkanen, Ken Baigent, Drew Belobaba, Natalie Grcic & Aedan MacDonald
  • Plaintiff’s Lawyer: Keith Wilson
  • Defendant: Minister of Transport & AG of Canada
  • Trial Type: Expedited
  • Judge:
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Verdict: TBD

*updated Jan 27, 2022


The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (Jan 26, 2022) filed a lawsuit in Federal Court seeking to strike down the federal government’s mandatory Covid-19 vaccine requirements for air travellers. The court action is on behalf of several Canadians from across Canada whose Charter rights and freedoms have been infringed. [1]

On October 30, 2021, the federal government announced that anyone travelling by air, train, or ship, must be fully vaccinated. The travel vaccination mandate has prevented approximately 6 million unvaccinated Canadians (15% of Canada’s population) from travel within Canada and prevents them from flying out of Canada. Some of the Canadians involved in the lawsuit cannot travel to help sick loved ones, get to work, visit family and friends, take international vacations, and live ordinary lives. [1]

The main applicant in the case is former Newfoundland Premier, The Honourable A. Brian Peckford. Mr. Peckford, is the only surviving drafter and signatory 40 years after the 1982 Constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms was enacted. [1]

“It is becoming more obvious that being vaccinated does not stop people from getting Covid and does not stop them from spreading it”, says the former Premier. “The government has not shown that the policy makes flying safer—it simply discriminates”, he notes. [1]

“When I heard Prime Minister Trudeau call the unvaccinated ‘racists,’ ‘misogynists, ‘anti-science’ and ‘extremist’ and his musing ‘do we tolerate these people?’ it became clear he is sowing divisions and advancing his vendetta against a specific group of Canadians—this is completely against the democratic and Canadian values I love about this country”, adds Mr. Peckford. [1]

“The federal travel ban has segregated me from other Canadians.  It’s discriminatory, violates my Charter rights and that’s why I am fighting the travel ban,” explains Mr. Peckford. [1]

“Canadians have been losing hope in the Charter and our courts.  We are going to put the best arguments and evidence forward so that the court can clarify where governments overstep,” concludes Mr. Wilson (Q.C., lead counsel for the legal challenge). [1]

The court will be asked to hear the case on an expedited basis given the serious infringement on Canadians’ mobility and other rights.  Canada is the only country in the developed world that has banned Covid vaccine-free travellers from air travel. [1]


In an interview with Frontier Centre for Public Policy, January 12, 2022, Former Newfoundland Premier Brian Peckford says pandemic responses by governments and medical authorities are unconstitutional and misguided and disregard relevant facts and research. [2]

He says the threshold required to override constitutional rights has not been met during the pandemic. [2]

Section One of the Charter says, “The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.” [2]

Lockdowns and vaccine passports exceed “reasonable limits” and have never been “demonstrably justified,” according to Peckford. He says rights to work, travel, receive equal treatment under the law, and freedoms of worship and assembly have been unduly trampled. [2]

“You have a 99 per cent recovery rate from this virus…That’s hardly a threat to the state or a war or insurrection. So I take the view that this is totally inapplicable to our present circumstance,” Peckford said in an interview. [2]

“You should have to do a cost benefit analysis or some other study. And that’s not being done right now. At all. No government in Canada has done a cost benefit analysis. There’s been independent cost benefit analysis that shows that the cure is worse than the disease.” [2]

An analysis by Simon Fraser University economist Dr. Douglas Allen published in April 2021 estimated the cost-benefit ratio of lockdowns in terms of life-years was between 3.6 and 282. His conclusion, based on econometric analysis informed by 80 studies, led him to conclude that “it is possible lockdown will go down as one of the greatest peacetime policy failures in Canada’s history.” [2]



This case is significant for several reasons:

  1. It is brought to the court by a signatory and drafter of the 1982 Constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, former Newfoundland Premier, Brian Peckford. [1]
  2. It challenges every aspect of the federal government’s decisions as unlawful, unconstitutional and unnecessary.


Plaintiff’s Argument

The Justice Centre’s legal challenge cites violations of Charter rights including mobility, life, liberty and security of the person, privacy, and discrimination. The lawsuit also challenges whether the Minister of Transportation has the jurisdiction to use aviation safety powers to enforce public health measures. [1]

In discussing effective border control measures at the start of the Covid-19 outbreak, Canada’s chief medical officer, Dr. Tam, said: “As you move further away from that epicentre, any other border measures are much less effective. Data on public health has shown that many of these are actually not effective at all… WHO advises against any kind of travel and trade restrictions, saying that they are inappropriate and could actually cause more harm than good in terms of our global effort to contain.” (Canada House of Commons, Standing Committee on Health Meeting, February 5, 2020) [1]

The World Health Organization (“WHO”) continues to maintain that position and on January 19, 2022, urged all countries to: “Lift or ease international traffic bans as they do not provide added value and continue to contribute to the economic and social stress experienced by States Parties. The failure of travel restrictions introduced after the detection and reporting of Omicron variant to limit international spread of Omicron demonstrates the ineffectiveness of such measures over time.” The WHO repeated that countries should: “not require proof of vaccination against COVID-19 for international travel.” (World Health Organization, Statement on the tenth meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, January 19, 2022.). [1]

“Despite the confirmed science that the vaccine does not stop people from getting or spreading the virus and the repeated warnings from the WHO, it’s clear the federal government is out of step and arbitrarily restricting Canadians fundamental rights and freedoms,” says Keith Wilson, Q.C., lead counsel for the legal challenge. “It is profoundly disturbing that a marginalized group in Canada—the unvaccinated—are essentially prohibited from leaving the country,” he adds. [1]


Defendant’s Argument

…More information is needed…


Relevant Prior Judgements/ Cases

…More information is needed…





Trucker Rally Speech


source: Onum The Great

Jordan Peterson Podcast S4: E78

source: Jordan Peterson Podcast

It’s Time to Live

source: Jordan Peterson Podcast

SNP Episode #237 – Brian Peckford

source: Shaun Newman



  1. The Charter’s only living signatory sues Canada over travel mandates
  2. Former premier Peckford vs pandemic narrative



1982 Constitution, Airplane, Ban, Canada, Canadian Constitution, Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Charter Rights, Chief Medical Officer, Crisis, Discrimination, Federal Travel, Jordan Peterson, Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, Liberty, Life, Mandate, Mobility, Newfoundland, Ottawa, Peckford, PM, Premier, Prime Minister, Privacy, Security of the Person, Segregation, Ship, Tam, Train, Travel, Trudeau, Vaccination, WHO, World Health Organization

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