

Legal Opinion: PEI Negligence of Duty

Re: the Negligence by the PEI not to investigate the Unusual Death statistics as it is directed to by law


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This is a summary of the legal opinion of lawyer Frank Großenbach representing data analyst Tom Lausen and the arguments of Martin Sichert (MP) given in a press conference in the Bundestag 12th Dec 2022.

Full (in German) press conference -Dec 12 2022

English subtitled video of M Sichert’s introduction -Dec 12 2022

Link to lawyer Großenbach’s letter to the PEI detailing their obligation under law to investigate unexpected deaths. (in original German and English translation)

The conference concerned itself with results from the analysis of medical diagnostic code data obtained by M Sichert by an FOI requestto the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (BVK). This data base covers about 72 million anonymised patient diagnosticrecords from doctor visits in Germany.

Expert Lausen’s analysis clearly showed an alarming deviation (increase) in the numbers of deaths associated with typical indicator codes temporally associated with onset of vaccination with the Covid-19 vaccines. Additionally, increased frequencies of diagnoses of a range of illnesses were observed also in temporal association with onset of vaccinations.

Link to Tom Lausen’s presentation

Legal Opinion:

The opinion of Sichert, Lausen and their lawyer,Großenbach is that the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute is in clear breach of its duty under law to investigate the significant number of unexpected deaths identified by Lausen using the same data available from the BVK.

The Paul Ehrlich Institute has NOT requested this data so far. They have never requested the data that could be obtained by means of a simple Freedom of Information (FOI) request to the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. (ref. Tom Lausen presentation slide #24)

Großenbach’s detailed legal argument against the PEI can be found here in his letter (in original German and English translation)

In a German language article published Dec 20, 2022 (English translation here ) The Epoch Times summarised Großenbach’s legal opinion as follows:

Frank Großenbach, a lawyer from Frankfurt, is also of the opinion that there is an “initial suspicion” because of the excess mortality “of at least 30,000 in 2021, the year of the vaccinations”, which is proven by data. This is not only sufficient, but even obligatory, to “withdraw the mRNA active substances from circulation” until it can be “safely excluded” that the excess mortality is due to the vaccinations. According to section 69 of the Medicines Act and due to the legal mandate according to section 13, paragraph 5 of the Infection Protection Act, the occurrence of a “warning signal” is sufficient to immediately withdraw the mRNA active substances from the market. He considers this warning signal to be given after Lausen’s analysis.

At the very least, however, “the population must be informed about the factual connections”, “so that everyone can act in a self-determined manner in their own knowledge of the data on their body”, demanded Großenbach. On 12 December, the day of the AfD press conference, he had already made a statement to the PEI on behalf of Tom Lausen (video at Odysee).

In his estimation, the statements of KBV head Andreas Gassen had even strengthened the position of the vaccination campaign sceptics: “He explains that the presented increased mortality would represent a normal pandemic event. This is a simple assessment of the figures. This assessment is not plausible”. With his statement, Gassen had indirectly “confirmed that the excess mortality determined by Tom Lausen was statistically correct. It is just that his conclusions from the figures presented are different”, explained Großenbach.

Großenbach in his letter to the PEI gave a deadline to respond by Dec 19 2022

If we have not received a statement from you by 12.00 noon on 19 December2022, we must assume that you intend to continue to remain inactive even though the data are now available to you, or if the statement does not make it clear that you are taking appropriate measures, we will immediately report you, the persons addressed in this letter, to the public prosecutor’s office at the Darmstadt Regional Court without further hesitation or waiting, on account of the violation of criminal law associated with the breach of your guarantor status. In order to be able to file a complaint immediately, we will already formulate a complaint now.

Related Articles & Videos
  1. Media report from News24 about the press conference–Dec 12 2022
  2. Media report from ‘The Gateway Pundit’-Dec 13 2022
  3. Article in MOVIE –Dec 15 2022
  4. Corroboration of findings. Another German data analyst, responding to BVK and ZI criticism of Tom Lausen’s findings based on claims that the raw data set was somehow faulty and that no meaningful conclusions can be drawn from it, published this video on Dec 16 2022. In it he broadly agrees with the main findings of Lausen after demonstrating that the data set can be relied upon to extract results which look very plausible.
  5. A US doctor published this article on Dec 13 2022 containing links allowing anyone who cares to check the data set themselves to download it and search on the various diagnostic codes using an excel program provided.
  6. VID: Florida Gov DeSantis Announces Vaccine Grand Jury -Dec 14 2022
  7. VID: Vaccine Injuries in Australia -Dec 6 2022
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  9. VID: Prof Fukushima “Stop the Vax – You’re Killing People!” -Nov 29 2022
  10. VID: Science Summit Uncensored: Dutch Excess Mortality Data -Aug 15, 2022
  11. VID: Science Summit Uncensored: 2nd Experiment -Aug 15, 2022
  12. Proposed German Vaccine Mandate
  13. Austrian Doctors Warn of Vaccine Dangers & Un-Informed Consent
  14. Vaccine Crimes: German Lawyer B Bahner’s Legal Opinion on illegal implementation of the vaccines & violation of German & EU Medical Laws Legal Opinion-Bahner-VaxLegality


Article, Bundestag, BVK, Darmstadt Regional Court, Data, Death, Duty, FOI, Gassen, germany, Großenbach, Lausen, Legal Opinion, Mandate, National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, Negligence, Obligation, Paul Ehrlich Institute, PEI, Sichert, Vaccine, Violation

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Article: Insurance Letter to PEI

Re: the under-reporting & risks of covid vaccine injury in Germany


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English Translation of the Health insurance company BKK letter to the Paul Erlich Institute re: Vaccine AR under-reporting (as reported in the Berliner Zeitung Feb 24, 2022)

The health insurance company BKK has evaluated millions of insured data. According to this, the stated case numbers of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute on vaccination consequences are too low.

A major German health insurer has recorded figures on side effects of Covid vaccines. It said the result was “a significant alarm signal.” According to BKK ProVita, the number of side effects is many times higher than those officially announced by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI).

In a letter to the PEI (available to the Berliner Zeitung – read in German), it says: “In our eyes, there is a considerable under-reporting of vaccination side effects.” The board of BKK ProVita, Andreas Schöfbeck, told the world: “According to our calculations, we consider 400,000 doctor visits of our insured due to vaccination complications to date realistic.”

The health insurance company has had the data of millions of insured persons of the BKK group analyzed. Based on the evaluated data, Schöfbeck also concludes that “danger to human life cannot be ruled out.” Schöfbeck has now written a letter to Prof. Dr. Klaus Cichutek, the president of the Paul Ehrlich Institute. The letter also went to the GKV-Spitzenverband, the Federal Medical Association, the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, the Standing Vaccination Commission and the BKK Dachverband. The Berliner Zeitung publishes the letter with the headline “Heftiges Warnsignal bei codierten Impfnebenwirkungen nach Corona Impfung” in its wording.

the letter:

“Dear Prof. Dr. Cichutek, The Paul Ehrlich Institute has announced via press release that 244,576 suspected cases for vaccination adverse events after Corona vaccination were reported for the calendar year 2021. The data available to our institution give us reason to believe that there is a very significant under-reporting of suspected cases for vaccination adverse events after Corona vaccination. I am enclosing an evaluation of this in my letter.

The data basis for our evaluation is physician billing data. Our sample is from the anonymized data set of the company health insurance funds. The sample comprises 10,937,716 insured persons. So far, we have the physicians’ billing data for the first half of 2021 and approximately half for the third quarter of 2021. Our query includes valid ICD codes for vaccination adverse events. This analysis has shown, although we do not yet have the complete data for 2021, that based on the available figures we now already assume 216,695 treated cases of vaccine adverse events after Corona vaccination from this sample.

If these numbers are extrapolated to the entire year and to the population in Germany, probably 2.5-3 million people in Germany have received medical treatment for vaccination side effects after Corona vaccination. We regard this as a considerable alarm signal that must be taken into account in the further use of vaccines. In our view, the figures can be validated relatively easily and also in the short term by asking the other types of health insurance funds (AOKs, substitute health insurance funds, etc.) for a corresponding evaluation of the data available to them. Extrapolated to the number of vaccinated people in Germany, this means that approximately 4-5 percent of vaccinated people received medical treatment for vaccination side effects.

In our view, there is a considerable under-reporting of vaccination side effects. It is an important concern to identify the causes for this in the short term. Our first assumption is that, since no compensation is paid for reporting vaccine adverse events, reporting to the Paul Ehrlich Institute is often not done because of the great expense involved. Physicians have reported to us that reporting a suspected vaccine adverse event takes about half an hour. This means that 3 million suspected cases of vaccine adverse events require about 1.5 million working hours of physicians. That would be almost the annual workload of 1,000 physicians. This should be clarified in the same short term.

A copy of this letter will therefore also be sent to the German Medical Association and the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. The GKV-Spitzenverband will also receive a copy of this letter with the request to obtain corresponding data analyses from all health insurance companies.

Since danger to human life cannot be ruled out, we request that you provide feedback on the measures initiated by 6 p.m. on February 22, 2022.

Yours sincerely

Andreas Schöfbeck Vorstand

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article, Berliner Zeitung, BKK, CEO, deaths, evaluation, germany, Insurance, Letter, Paul Ehrlich Institute, PEI, Petition, ProVita, risks, Schöfbeck, side effects, underreporting, Vaccination, Vaccine

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