

Arrest: Dr. Bruchet

Re: the persecution of a Doctor who dared to exercise his Right to Free Speech & Resistance to challenge the government position on the safety & effectiveness of Covid Vaccines


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In December 2021, Canadian Doctor Bruchet was sentenced to a Psych ward for 25 days

On December 8, Dr. Bruchet had an argument with a tenant over loud music in his apartment building (a relatively common occurrence). It is unclear whether the tenant reported him as a candidate for the mental health act or someone else. Suddenly, three RCMP squad cars and six RCMP officers descended on Dr. Bruchet and hauled him off in handcuffs for a “psych evaluation.”

The question remains: was Dr. Bruchet unlawfully detained because he exposed the connection of stillbirths to the Covid vaccines? Or because he argued with his tenant over loud music? Or was Dr. Bruchet’s age a convenient excuse? “Dr. Mel,” as he is affectionately known, practiced medicine for many years in British Columbia.

Dr Bruchet Discusses his Detention, Open Warrant & more

source: odysee\longXXvids



Arrest, British Columbia, Bruchet, Canada, constitution, Doctor, evidence, Fake, False, free speech, frontal lobe dementia, Hope Center, Hospital, Judicial Notice, Lions Gate, mania, Melvin, Misinformation, Nagase, News, opinion, Pregnant, Psych ward, Psychiatric, RCMP, Right to Resist, side effects, Stillbirths, unlawful, Vaccine, Vancouver, Women

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Arrest-Willem Engel

Arrest-Willem Engel

Arrest: Willem Engel

Re: the persecution of a Dutch activist who dared to exercise his Right to Free Speech & Resistance to challenge the government’s extreme Corona Measures


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Willem Christiaan Engel (Utrecht, March 15, 1977) is the founder of the action group Viruswaarheid that criticizes the corona policy of the Dutch government. Furthermore Willem Engel is a dance teacher.

Engel was a scientist in Leiden, where he lived between 1996 and 2010. He did PhD research in Leiden and Enschede between 2002 and 2008. Since 2000 he also began to take an interest in dancing, in Zouk in particular. Zouk is a kind of dance and music from the French Antilles. After this he became a dance teacher. He has his own dance school called DA Dance Studio in Rotterdam.

He is now one of the most talked about persons of the last 2 years because of his statements and views against inequality and censorship and all the measures concerning the so-called health crisis

Arrested & Released Again- in the same week – Apr 2022

Engel on Arrests, Trial & Resistance with Taylor Hudak

source: The Last American Vagabond

UKC A Thompson on the legality of the 2 arrests (English)

source: Geopolitics & Empire



Police Arrest Willem Engel Again (Dutch)

source: Prof. Dolores Cahill

Willem explains the 2 arrests (English)

source: Geopolitics & Empire

Willem Released Again (Dutch)

source: Cafe Weltschmerz

On March 30 he was released from detention.

According to reports, He is banned from posting on social media on penalty of facing 90 additional days in prison. This is a clear attempt to silence free speech.

Willem Released!

source: shortXXvids

On Tuesday, 3/16/2022, Activist and operator of ‘Virus Warheid’ (Virus Truth) Willem Engel was arrested by Dutch police.

Mordechai on the Trial of Willem (Dutch)

source: Geert Maessen

Message from Prison (Dutch)

source: VirusWaarheid

#freewillemengel (Dutch)

source: VirusWaarheid

Jeroen Pols on the arrest of Willem Engel

source: Corona Ausschuss

Ad Nuis – on the arrest of Willem Engel (Dutch)

source: Cafe Weltschmetz

Mordechai Krispijn on visit to Willem Engel in Prison (Dutch)

source: viruswaarheid

Cafe Weltschmetz on the arrest of Willem Engel (Dutch)

source: Cafe Weltschmetz

Who is Willem Engel & Related

Shadraouf interviews Willem Engel regarding Illegal Measures (Dutch)

source: viruswaarheid

The Dutch Angel – Who is Willem Engel (Dutch)

source: viruswaarheid



resistance to oppression, Arrest, Cafe Weltschmertz, Engels, free speech, Holland, Jeroen, Legal Opinion, natural law, Netherlands, New World Order, opinion, patriot, Pols, Right to Resist, treason, Truth, unlawful, Virus, Virus Truth, Virus Waarheid, Willem

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Arrest: Virginie de Araujo Recchia

Re: the persecution of a lawyer who dared to exercise her Right to Free Speech & Resistance to challenge the government


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On Tuesday, 3/22/2022, French Attorney at Law Virginie de Araujo Recchia was arrested in front of her children by French police.

She came out of police custody on March 24 and confided her feelings to us through an official statement, in which she emphasized that:

“When I left police custody, I was not prosecuted, I was not indicted …

Wouldn’t it have been simpler to summon me than to take me in front of my children

and keep me in custody in deplorable conditions, knowing that, in the end, it was only a matter of obtaining information,

since I am not accused of anything?

What about the presumption of innocence?

Virginie Released!

Communiqué Sébastien Recchia (French)

Release Virginie now!



resistance to oppression, 1776, Antigon, article 34, Ciceron, constitution, de Araujo Recchia, Declaration of Independence, France, French Declaration of Human Rights 1793, German Basic Law, Grundgesetz, Hellenic Constitutional system, Legal Opinion, natural law, Right to Resist, sacred right, Virginie, Arrest

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