

Holocaust Survivor on Bhakdi Trial

Re: the Relevance of Prof Bhakdi`s Trial & Alleged Seditious Speech


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Statement by Irène Tokayer on behalf of Professor Sucharit Bhakdi – May 23 2023

(Translated by CoronaCases from the Rumble Video which can also be seen below)

[text emphasis in bold by CoronaCases]


My name is Irène Tokayer, and I was born in Schwerin, Mecklenburg, in 1927. I am a Survivor of the Holocaust.

In the 1961 film ” Judgment at Nuremberg,” the German judiciary was on trial, represented by the (fictional) law professor and Minister of Justice Janning. The prosecution laid out how the Nazi justice system abused the law against Jews. An underage German girl had been forced to testify falsely that she had been sexually abused by her Jewish landlord, although this was not true. 

Richard Widmark as prosecutor and Spencer Tracy as judge expose this fraud. In the indictment against Sucharit Bhakdi, it is the Chief Public Prosecutor who quite blatantly tries to resurrect a case that had already been shelved, and which seems once again to instrumentalize anti-Semitism politically. This time, anti-Semitism is constructed as an accusation and thus instrumentalized. The accusation is directed against Sucharit Bhakdi, a respected professor of medicine with many significant discoveries and publications to his name.

Before Sucharit Bhakdi talks about what was going on in Israel in 2021 regarding vaccinations (and there are countless voices from Israel confirming it) he actually just invoked the Nuremberg Code (and thus the Nuremberg Trials)! He is lecturing on the legal and moral necessity of fully informed consent, which was ignored and covered up during the worldwide vaccination campaign. A campaign that was promoted and used by individuals and institutions with a proven “eugenic pedigree”. These are circles deeply rooted in Malthusian and Social Darwinist ideology. The Nazis were also convinced of such “doctrines” for humanity, which are not about inalienable rights, but about”proper parentage” and a “contribution to society.”

At 24:08 minutes of that interview from which the prosecutors selected their “soundbites,” Sucharit Bhakdi implores the German government (and all governments) not to force any human being to endure experimental and potentially dangerous injections. First then he spoke about Israel, where the pressure and coercion were indeed much, much higher than almost anywhere else in the world. However, Sucharit Bhakdi was primarily addressing the German public (and those of other German-speaking countries) to heed and bring to bear the lessons of the Nuremberg Trials and the essence of the Nuremberg Code. This deserves applause rather than an indictment! Bhakdi then addresses the speed with which things escalate once prudence is disregarded. This is a reminder of exactly what Marian Turski, president of the Auschwitz Committee, said in January 2020 on the occasion of the 75thanniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz: seemingly harmless events can quickly escalate into “another Auschwitz falling from the sky.” It is the task of society, but above all of the judiciary, to carefully examine the justification of such warnings, if necessary by hearing experts! Nothing of the sort has been done so far. On the contrary, the debate about the well-founded, consistent and conclusive warnings of Professor Bhakdi and his colleagues has been brutely suppressed. Indeed, the charges brought against Professor Bhakdi seem to serve one purpose: to silence a whistleblower by demonizing him as an enemy of the Jewish people.

The court should recall the words of the U.S. President’s Commission on the Holocaust, which declared on September 27, 1979, that “it is always the same enemy” -the enemy of the Jewish people as well as the enemy of humanity! He can be recognized, it is said, by the way he goes about it: this enemy seeks to divide society, old against young (as did the German and other governments who sought to instill in young children the fear of “killing Grandma”). Black against white (as in the global vaccination campaign, where governments first bragged to their constituents about exclusive contracts for “vaccines” -an example of which is precisely Israel -before later touting global equality because Third World countries were supposedly not getting enough vaccines. When in fact many African and Asian peoples did not want the gene shot at all). And also non-Jews vs. Jews are set against each other (as is now attempted to press Professor Bhakdi into this stereotype, when in fact he is concerned with preserving the very conditions that make us human, see 1:25:00 in the interview: Compassion, Love, and Community).

Yes, Professor Bhakdi warns in his speeches against a repeat of the Holocaust! So do I! And so do many other survivors in our documentary “Never Again Is Now Global.” The Chief Public Prosecutor should study closely the “Report to the President” received by Jimmy Carter from Elie Wiesel, an Auschwitz survivor and chairman of the Holocaust Commission on that momentous September 27, 1979. The report was prepared by a high-level commission that included many Holocaust survivors.

Today there are still some of us who survived the camps or escaped the Gestapo. This report refers to them as the “messengers and guardians of the secrets entrusted to them by the dead.” I share the report’s concern, a concern that is obvious to anyone who listens to Sucharit Bhakdi’s interview with an open mind and an open heart:

„Not only has the moral landscape of human reality been altered by the Holocaust, but the acceleration of technology and nuclear power now threaten human existence itself. By focusing on the dangers inherent in the ends and means of a technological, bureaucratic society, study of the Holocaust and its implications can encourage a renewal of commitment to sanity and humanity“ I hope that the German judiciary will finally understand what is at stake -and that the court will have the courage to acquit Sucharit Bhakdi of the perversely constructed charge of being an anti-Semite and trivializing the Holocaust. He is the right man to know that technology has long since acquired the capacity to commit genocide without immediate notice.

However strong the pressure put on prosecutors and judges in Germany today: Let the judiciary be blindfolded, but as judges and as prosecutors you must open your eyes and look. It is there in plain sight!

May 23rd, 2023

Holocaust Survivor Irène Tokayer Defends Bhakdi -May 23 2023

source: Rumble / Alschner.Klartext.


Anti-Semitic, Bhakdi, Commentary, Doctors4CovidEthics, free speech, Genocide, germany, Holocaust, Israel, Kiel, Kiel Public Prosecutor, Lausen, Martin Schwab, Microbiology, Plön, professor, Schleswig-Holstein, Schwab, Sucharit, Tom Lausen, Vera Sharav, Wertinitiative

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Tom Lausen Bhakdi Trial Observations

Re: Observations of the Procedures & Happenings during the Trial of Prof Bhakdi`s Alleged Seditious Speech


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Tom Lausen’s running commentary of Prof Bhakdi trial –Plön May 23 2023

(Translated by CoronaCases from Tom Lausen’s Telegram posts issued throughoutthe trial)

Leading post in thread:

Court Observations

10:01 First procedural break in the trial of Prof. Bhakdi. The defence lawyers filed an application for inadmissibility of the reading of the indictment.

Meaning: the indictment was filed although the senior prosecutor and the judge had not obtained or viewedthe evidence of the videos at the time of indictment by the SeniorPublic Prosecutor Füssinger. Only video snippets. So they didn’t finish their investigation and filed charges anyway and the judge apparently allowed it to go unchecked (politicalmotivation?). But that is not admissible, it has to be investigated to the end, because otherwise the criminal offence of persecution of innocent people can very quickly be brought against the prosecutor and the judge, which has already been mentioned by defence lawyer Lausen.

The court interrupted for 45 minutes to deliberate.

Therefore, the indictment could not be read out so far.

Continuation: 10:35 a.m.

The court judge, Justice Grundmann, rejects the application. Everything is supposed to be correct. Meaningfully.

Now the reading of the indictment is released.

The Senior Public Prosecutor Füssinger reads it out.

Continuation: 10:56

I hope I have understood this correctly:

With regard to both charges, Judge Grundmann does not see any punishability at this stage of the proceedings.

Defence lawyer Sven Lausen asks, what he has heard seems to be confirmed.

As I said, I hope I have understood correctly. The judge will give indications if this changes in the course of the proceedings.

11:34 Renewed interruption

The police officer in charge at the political rally with Prof. Bhakdi is to be heard.

Defence lawyer Lausen asks about the necessary permission for police officers to give evidence, … unfortunately the police officer does not have it, the hearing is interrupted.

The defence further agrees that accuracy in the conduct of the proceedings is still necessary.

The court sees it the same way and follows the defence’s request for correct conduct of proceedings.

11:54 The police officer does not need permission to testify, the court has reassured itself. The police officer in charge of the meeting on 24.09.21 at the market place in Kiel confirmed that the meeting with speaker Prof. Bhakdi was absolutely peaceful.

Further interruption follows, the 90-minute interview of Kai Stuht and Prof. Bhakdi will now be watched.

12:15 After the judge goes out with his assessment on the non-criminality of Bhakdi’s statements, most of the media from the mainstream press quietly leave the hall.

The fact checker Rohwedder, I think from the daily fact checkers is still there, otherwise only the alternative media is still there.

I will report it if the mainstream media come back at all.

12:20 DPA (the German Press Agency) is back.

13:35: The video interview between Kai Stuht and Prof Bhakdi has now been watched in full. The judge interrupts for 15 min.

14:05 Continuation

Judge Grundmann still assumes that there is no criminal liability, Chief Public Prosecutor Füssinger also says something in a quiet contribution,

Defence lawyer Lausen massively rebukes the absolutely incomplete clarification and the indictment.

Now Chief Public Prosecutor Füssinger tries another trick, she addresses Prof. Bhakdi, although the defence has clearly stated that he will not speak. Defence lawyer Lausen strongly reprimanded the behaviour, the senior public prosecutor let up and now apparently wanted to introduce a short investigation into the distribution of the video with Kai Stuht.

14:05 Senior Public Prosecutor Füssinger makes a request for evidence, she wants to summon an investigating commissioner who can say how often the video was watched and distributed.

14:10 The defence Tobias Weissenborn and also Martin Schwab reject the motion,

Judge Grundmann does not summon the commissioner but reads out parts of the file for the sake of form, which introduce the number of views of the video into the proceedings. So how many times had the video been viewed and where? Facebook, Peertube, etc.

Chief Public Prosecutor Füssinger is satisfied and looks at the clock.

14:18 As the motions for partiality are still pending, the proceedings cannot be concluded as they are. The judge asks the defence to discuss whether they should be withdrawn or whether they should be dealt with within a 2-hour recess.

14:30Martin Schwab withdraws the motions for partiality on behalf of the defence.

Further interruption, continuation 3:30 p.m.

Reason for the interruption: Senior Public Prosecutor Füssinger needs 60 minutes to preparethe plea

….Start for the pleas, which I think will not reveal any more surprises.

Snr. Public Prosecutor Füssinger Füssinger starts:

She is concerned about dangerous language, inner peace and she is concerned about the people who are affected by dangerous language.

It was reportedly surprising to her that the court came out with its legal opinion early on.

Nevertheless, she hopes that it will still be heard.

Her point is that Kai Stuht and Prof. Bhakdi, had deliberately planned this thing….

She is trying to interpret every sentence against Prof Bhakdi now.

Basically, she is repeating her charge sheet so far.

She still thinks it was sedition. With small additional interpretations, she is simply inventing words.

She probably needs more time.

Füssinger also continues to assume that there was a breach of the public peace.

Now she is talking about the federal emergency brake and FFP 2 masks in the bus.

I’m sorry, I can no longer document the details of the lecture.

She stands by her accusations.

She demands the following sentence:

Crime 1
150 daily sentences
Day 2
70 daily sentences
But together only 180 daily sentences of 90 Euro each

16:15 The defence would like to discuss the case first.

16:41 The defence is about to plead.

First Martin Schwab
Then Tobias Weissenborn
Last Sven Lausen

16:54 Martin Schwab
G R A N D I O S !!!!!!
17:01 Tobias Weissenborn

CLARIFYING FRESH!!! With a fat side blow to the misconduct of the senior prosecutorIn not watching the videos that are in question.

17:20 Sven Lausen
G R A N D I O S !!!!!!

17:20 Adjournment for adjudication until 17:45



Adler, Anti-Semitic, Bhakdi, Commentary, Daniele Ganser, Doctors4CovidEthics, free speech, Ganser, Genocide, germany, Holocaust, Israel, Kiel, Kiel Public Prosecutor, Lausen, Martin Schwab, Microbiology, Plön, professor, Schleswig-Holstein, Schwab, Sucharit, Tom Lausen, Vera Sharav, Wertinitiative

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Legal Opinion: PEI Negligence of Duty

Re: the Negligence by the PEI not to investigate the Unusual Death statistics as it is directed to by law


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This is a summary of the legal opinion of lawyer Frank Großenbach representing data analyst Tom Lausen and the arguments of Martin Sichert (MP) given in a press conference in the Bundestag 12th Dec 2022.

Full (in German) press conference -Dec 12 2022

English subtitled video of M Sichert’s introduction -Dec 12 2022

Link to lawyer Großenbach’s letter to the PEI detailing their obligation under law to investigate unexpected deaths. (in original German and English translation)

The conference concerned itself with results from the analysis of medical diagnostic code data obtained by M Sichert by an FOI requestto the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (BVK). This data base covers about 72 million anonymised patient diagnosticrecords from doctor visits in Germany.

Expert Lausen’s analysis clearly showed an alarming deviation (increase) in the numbers of deaths associated with typical indicator codes temporally associated with onset of vaccination with the Covid-19 vaccines. Additionally, increased frequencies of diagnoses of a range of illnesses were observed also in temporal association with onset of vaccinations.

Link to Tom Lausen’s presentation

Legal Opinion:

The opinion of Sichert, Lausen and their lawyer,Großenbach is that the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute is in clear breach of its duty under law to investigate the significant number of unexpected deaths identified by Lausen using the same data available from the BVK.

The Paul Ehrlich Institute has NOT requested this data so far. They have never requested the data that could be obtained by means of a simple Freedom of Information (FOI) request to the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. (ref. Tom Lausen presentation slide #24)

Großenbach’s detailed legal argument against the PEI can be found here in his letter (in original German and English translation)

In a German language article published Dec 20, 2022 (English translation here ) The Epoch Times summarised Großenbach’s legal opinion as follows:

Frank Großenbach, a lawyer from Frankfurt, is also of the opinion that there is an “initial suspicion” because of the excess mortality “of at least 30,000 in 2021, the year of the vaccinations”, which is proven by data. This is not only sufficient, but even obligatory, to “withdraw the mRNA active substances from circulation” until it can be “safely excluded” that the excess mortality is due to the vaccinations. According to section 69 of the Medicines Act and due to the legal mandate according to section 13, paragraph 5 of the Infection Protection Act, the occurrence of a “warning signal” is sufficient to immediately withdraw the mRNA active substances from the market. He considers this warning signal to be given after Lausen’s analysis.

At the very least, however, “the population must be informed about the factual connections”, “so that everyone can act in a self-determined manner in their own knowledge of the data on their body”, demanded Großenbach. On 12 December, the day of the AfD press conference, he had already made a statement to the PEI on behalf of Tom Lausen (video at Odysee).

In his estimation, the statements of KBV head Andreas Gassen had even strengthened the position of the vaccination campaign sceptics: “He explains that the presented increased mortality would represent a normal pandemic event. This is a simple assessment of the figures. This assessment is not plausible”. With his statement, Gassen had indirectly “confirmed that the excess mortality determined by Tom Lausen was statistically correct. It is just that his conclusions from the figures presented are different”, explained Großenbach.

Großenbach in his letter to the PEI gave a deadline to respond by Dec 19 2022

If we have not received a statement from you by 12.00 noon on 19 December2022, we must assume that you intend to continue to remain inactive even though the data are now available to you, or if the statement does not make it clear that you are taking appropriate measures, we will immediately report you, the persons addressed in this letter, to the public prosecutor’s office at the Darmstadt Regional Court without further hesitation or waiting, on account of the violation of criminal law associated with the breach of your guarantor status. In order to be able to file a complaint immediately, we will already formulate a complaint now.

Related Articles & Videos
  1. Media report from News24 about the press conference–Dec 12 2022
  2. Media report from ‘The Gateway Pundit’-Dec 13 2022
  3. Article in MOVIE –Dec 15 2022
  4. Corroboration of findings. Another German data analyst, responding to BVK and ZI criticism of Tom Lausen’s findings based on claims that the raw data set was somehow faulty and that no meaningful conclusions can be drawn from it, published this video on Dec 16 2022. In it he broadly agrees with the main findings of Lausen after demonstrating that the data set can be relied upon to extract results which look very plausible.
  5. A US doctor published this article on Dec 13 2022 containing links allowing anyone who cares to check the data set themselves to download it and search on the various diagnostic codes using an excel program provided.
  6. VID: Florida Gov DeSantis Announces Vaccine Grand Jury -Dec 14 2022
  7. VID: Vaccine Injuries in Australia -Dec 6 2022
  8. VID: Vax Victims are ‘Ghosts’ -Dec 7 2022
  9. VID: Prof Fukushima “Stop the Vax – You’re Killing People!” -Nov 29 2022
  10. VID: Science Summit Uncensored: Dutch Excess Mortality Data -Aug 15, 2022
  11. VID: Science Summit Uncensored: 2nd Experiment -Aug 15, 2022
  12. Proposed German Vaccine Mandate
  13. Austrian Doctors Warn of Vaccine Dangers & Un-Informed Consent
  14. Vaccine Crimes: German Lawyer B Bahner’s Legal Opinion on illegal implementation of the vaccines & violation of German & EU Medical Laws Legal Opinion-Bahner-VaxLegality


Article, Bundestag, BVK, Darmstadt Regional Court, Data, Death, Duty, FOI, Gassen, germany, Großenbach, Lausen, Legal Opinion, Mandate, National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, Negligence, Obligation, Paul Ehrlich Institute, PEI, Sichert, Vaccine, Violation

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